Page 46 - Feb Mar 2018 PDF 2 12 18 22_Neat
P. 46

The Case for Handwriting Analysis

        and determine its nature             constant state of change in  Handwriting “catches” the

        just as investigators have           order to maintain life be-           resulting “image” of the
        the other sciences. There            cause of the constant need  brain’s adjustment activ-
        is no difference. This is            for bodily adjustments due  ity at any time during the

        sometimes very difficult             to internal and external             writing activity yet main-
        to realize yet it is true.           environmental impacts.               tains a certain ‘character’.

        The Universe, although               There is an incredible               That is why people say
        seemingly chaotic and                amount of activity occur-            “my writing changes”,
        unorganized, is quite the

        opposite. It is the scien-
        tific principles which are

        the constants, virtually
        invisible and “hold” or
        influence the relationships

        in the Universe. By real-
        izing this, we gain insight

        into the scientific nature of

        Although many people
        consider humans as spe-

        cial and, in some manner,
        not vulnerable to these
        laws and principles noth-

        ing could be further from
        the truth. Our beings are

        scientifically based and
        inextricably connected to
        these laws and principles            ring in our brain (mostly            even under normal cir-

        including our brains. The            subconscious) at any                 cumstances, although it
        brain is the central control  given time and 100% of it  could drastically “change”

        for everything happening             is used otherwise it would  due to other causes. Yet
        to maintain our lives. It            not be needed and would              these changes, whether
        is also the location of our          have been discarded by               normal or otherwise, are

        personalities. The func-             nature long ago.                     caused by initiatives such
        tioning of the brain is in a                                              as words, the environ-

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