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P. 41

The Management Realization

        impression possible. After  Then there’s the trust fac-                   tunity to give their side of
 F      all, you want to let your            tor. Since you’re no longer  the story. Do not allow the
 O      bosses know they made                one of them, be prepared             fact that you have worked
 R      the right decision in plac-          to be less trusted. The              with the officer for years

 G      ing you into management.  information once shared                         to greatly influence your
 E                                           amongst you will less                decision, because surely

 R      Your subordinates will see  likely arrive to you. It’s                    they will believe they can
 Y      you in one of two ways.              important that there’s open  continue to violate the

        Either you are still one of          communication and hav-               rules. You may want to
 D      guys/gals or you are “one            ing an open door policy              consider asking if there
 E      of them.” You will at some  does wonders.                                 are off duty issues they

 C      point have to make some                                                   may be facing. The of-
 E      difficult decisions in re-           Speaking from experience,  ficer may be uncomfort-
 P      gards to your management  delegating and disciplin-                       able with speaking to you

 T      style.                               ing is an art that some-             about his or her personal
 I                                           times draws pushback and  life so be careful and don’t

 O      Your once co-workers                 resentment, especially               push too hard for informa-
 N      are now your subordi-                for former officers with             tion. Sometimes, they just

        nates and you will have              whom you worked with                 need someone to talk to
 L      to address their concerns            in the field. It’s impor-            and listen, even if there is
 I      while addressing upper               tant to keep in mind that            nothing the manager can

 E      management’s responsi-               you are not looking to               really do.  Instead mentor
 S      bilities delegated to you.           be a “boss” but rather a             them and if it is absolutely

        One thing to be aware of             leader. Inspire officers             necessary discipline ac-

        that I found in my years of  under you to do a great                      cording to site or company
        management is the favor-             job and be professional.             policy. Put it behind you
        itism factor. Your former            In the grander scheme of             and work with the officer.

        co-workers will try to get           things, this will benefit
        favored treatment such               them. Only then can you              As a newly promoted

        as turning a blind eye to            forward their names for              manager myself, the very
        rule violations, days off            recognition and advance-             first thing I did was have
        and other things that rou-           ment. If you must disci-             a special staff meeting and

        tinely would be frowned              pline, do so in private. It’s  put everyone on the same
        upon. You don’t want to              important to get all the             page. I explained my role

        upset them because you               facts first and be sure to           and how it related to them
        used to work with them.              give the officer an oppor-           and to upper management.

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