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P. 36

American Correctional System
        cally, is it worth having            should be punished for               son that they are in the

        the programs in the hopes  their wrongdoings and put  predicament they are in
        that recidivism will be re-          to justice (Jones, 2014, p.          and possibly facing jail or

        duced, or is it just a waste  24). With that being said,                  prison. Just because some-
        of time? It is not clear to          alternative sentencing               one does not get a sen-
        whether or not that there            programs are unknown                 tence in jail or prison does

        are advantages to alterna-           to actually work, but the            not mean that the offender
        tive sentencing rather than  only way to find out is                      got away with what he/

        to incarcerate an offender           by continuously imple-               she did, all this means is
        (Jones, 2014, p. 21). Coo-           menting them. If alterna-            that alternative programs
        per Jones, writer of Does            tive sentencing programs             where recommended for

        Alternative Sentencing               work as publicized, then             the offender and now he/
        Reduce Recidivism, stated  it would clearly be the                        she can give back to the

        that people have argued              most beneficial method               community by providing
        incarceration is necessary  and consequently should                       certain services that repair
        because it is a form of              be used more frequently              harms suffered by any

        revenge, “which essen-               by the courts. If the end            victim. Correctional staff,
        tially is about evening the  state is to reduce over-                     community leaders, and

        score” (Jones, 2014, p. 7).  crowding in institutions                     communities must work
        Others argue that there              and rehabilitate offenders,  cohesively to ensure that
        is no way to successfully            then we need to show of-             the prior to releasing of-

        reduce recidivism or fix             fenders a different path of  fenders back in to society,
        offenders views (Jones,              “righteousness” in order to  that they have a sense of

        2014, p. 24), which I                reduce recidivism (Jones,            hope and direction that
        translate as, you cannot             2014, p. 25).                        will prevent them from
        change someone’s views                                                    returning.

        when they have been set              Conclusion
        to see life a certain way                                                 One of the main things

        for so long. Although it is  Alternative sentencing                       that I believe needs to be
        possible that many offend- programs all have their                        focused on and improved
        ers are at the stage where           place in the correctional            is rehabilitation. Without

        they cannot be changed               and court segments. The              having a reliable and well-
        and rehabilitated, at that           main purpose is to teach             structured rehabilitation

        point, there should be               offenders that the wrong-            system, offenders cannot
        no effort to fix their be-           ful decisions they have              be expected to exit jails or
        havior, instead criminals            made in life are the rea-            prison and immediately

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