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American Correctional System

        stand why this is the case,  similar, the path taken to                   housing, and safety (Crim-

        an understanding of the              achieve the desired results  inal Law Lawyer Source).                      F
        difference between jails             are different. So, what is                                                 O
        and prison must be identi-           the difference between jail  Prison                                        R

        fied, as well as alternative  and prison? The difference                                                        G
        programs being executed              between the two institu-             Prison is a place where               E

        to help with the issue               tions will be further exam- convicted offenders are                        R
        of overcrowding. Some                ined in detail below.                confined (Larson, 2017).              Y
        programs to be identified                                                 Prisons are longer-term

        will be global positioning  Jail                                          facilities run by the state           D
        system (GPS) monitoring                                                   or the federal government             E

        systems for house arrest             Jail is a place of confine-          that typically holds felons           C
        arrangements, work fur-              ment for offenders in law-           and offenders that have               E
        lough, weekend sentenc-              ful detention suspected or  been given a sentence of                       P

        ing, and community ser-              convicted of a crime (Lar-           more than one year. Defi-             T
        vice usually intended for            son, 2017). This means               nitions may vary by state             I

        first time non-violent of-           that jails are meant for             ( Prisons are op-             O
        fenders (Atkinson, 2016).  people awaiting trials and  erated by either the state                               N
                                             are being held from their            government or the federal

        Difference between Jail              freedoms. Jails are locally  government, and offer                         L
        and Prison                           operated short-term fa-              work release programs,                I

                                             cilities that hold criminals  classrooms for vocational                    E
        Incarceration of any kind            that have been sentenced             training, and entertain-              S
        is intended to be an un-             to less than a year, and             ment facilities due to the

        pleasant experience. Nev-            tend to be close to where            long nature of a sentence
        ertheless, the policies,             the offender was arrested            (Criminal Law Lawyer

        rights, and daily life of an  ( Due to the short  Source).
        inmate can be very differ-           time a person is held at
        ent depending on the type  a jail, amenities are very                     Alternative Sanctions

        of institution they can be           “shorthanded”. Jails do
        sentenced too, which are             possess work release pro-            When someone is convict-

        jails or prisons (           grams that offer such ser-           ed of an offense, the court
        Most people do not know              vices as substance abuse             will determine what the
        that the two institutions            and vocational needs, or             appropriate punishment

        are different in nature.             the jail may just provide            will be, based within the
        Although the end goal is             the necessities like food,           set administrative guide-

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