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P. 27

Classical Criminology and Human Nature

        criminality are contingent  where, when, why and                          sive explanations for the

 F      on a “cost-risk-reward”              how, in the criminal jus-            mitigation of criminality,
 O      premeditation. Arguments  tice rubric, it is the “what”  many claim the sufficiency
 R      as to the essence of cau-            that outweighs the “why”.  of easy “answers”, absent

 G      sality are frivolous and             About criminality, know-             scientific validity. Yet, the
 E      unproductive when such               ing the “why” infers inva-           mystery of human nature

 R      claims devolve to the ex-            sive actions by the state to  continues.
 Y      ternality of deterministic           oppress civil liberties for
        sources.                             the sake of “public safety           Nonetheless, in an age

 D                                           and security”. That is the           of “anti-intellectualism”,
 E      An abundance of “ex-                 clever ruse of “wannabe              where serious thought is

 C      perts” from many fields              scientific” fields to foster         weighed between emo-
 E      of study claim to know               deceptions in order to sell  tional assertion and factual
 P      the “single bullet” factor           products, services and               evidence, public policy is

 T      that solves the proverbial           specious theories.                   adversely affected by the
 I      “why” question. Why did                                                   misguidance of competing

 O      he or she do the heinous             To that perspective, of the  interests. As to the classi-
 N      deed? Politicians, pun-              nature of specious or hal-           cal philosophy, everyone
        dits, proselytes and the             low or otherwise decep-              is responsible for his or

 L      majority of the public,              tive inferences, contempo- her thinking processes and
 I      rush to hasty generaliza-            rary conjecture confuses             subsequent actions taken.

 E      tions, based on a specious  the spectrum of critical                      Whether classical, neo-
 S      conjecture, to answer that  analysis. Deterministic                       classical, rational choice,
        solitary question. Yet, that  afflictions, “hard wired”                   or seductions to adver-

        part of the cause-effect             cerebral fixations and al-           sity and maladaptation,
        equation cannot find easy            leged DNA malfunctions,              the centrality of belief

        solution. Who knows and              among others, assert a               remains in the notion of
        furthermore who cares?               non-science stream of ex-            one’s freedom to choose.
        More importantly, what               cuses for perpetrators. Be- To that end, without inter-

        happened, what is an ap-             yond the control and capa- ventions of self-serving
        propriate sanction, and              bility of the individual, the  excuses, accountability is

        what restores the imbal-             criminal as “victim”, the            essential.
        ance caused by the harm?             pseudosciences of positiv- To the classical criminolo-
                                             istic heritage continue to           gist, and, those who are

        Of the rudimentary com-              claim a variety of nebu-             real world practitioners,
        ponents of who, what,                lous notions. As conclu-             there is no viability for the

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