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P. 23

Classical Criminology and Human Nature

        decision-making process.             individual responsibility
 F      By whatever means, to                for malevolent actions.              The real world is a de-
 O      augment and further clari-           Oriented toward the goals  cidedly dangerous place.
 R      fy the choices to be made,  of self-gratification and                     Treachery and oppression

 G      subsequent actions weigh             personal enrichment, at              are disguised and camou-
 E      in the balance between               the expense of others, il-           flaged by deceptions. In

 R      gain and risk, productivity  licit and anti-communal                      order to satiate a gullible
 Y      and loss, and ultimately             actions are to be dealt with  public, pacify large seg-

        essential satiation. Con-            in equal retribution re-             ments of the population,
 D      venient and comfortable              gardless of socio-econom- and foster a climate of
 E      utility to reinforce the             ic status.                           irresponsible dependence,

 C      thinking processes, as well                                               pseudoscience can be sold
 E      as express that, which               Whether by smug piety in  as “science”. Further-
 P      is necessary to personal             amative arrogance of cor-            more, to ensure consumer

 T      enrichment, encompasses              rupt politicians, or corpo-          marketing, sales and con-
 I      individual selfishness.              rate moguls who exploit              sumption, why not invent

 O                                           others and the environ-              all kinds of diagnoses, and
 N      The rationality, as seen by  ment, their anti-social                      makeup something called

        others less predisposed to           maladaptation are inten-             “mental illness”. As to the
 L      observe their own short-             tionally calculated. Cruel           metaphorical reference
 I      comings, may dismiss the  behavior is nothing new                         regarding thinking, the

 E      reasoning behind coun-               for the human species, and  “mind” reflects a complex
 S      terproductive actions.               not much has changed in a  internal infrastructure not

        Other schools of thought             couple hundred thousand              easily quantified.

        have tried to dismiss any            years. Sure, many would
        particular notion of one’s           like to believe there is             Counterproductive ac-

        actions as freely chosen.            such a thing as “civiliza-           tions that harm people and
        Instead, by clever diver-            tion”. In addition, there            environments are perpe-
        sion, excuses are many.              is the mournful refrain,             trated from a premeditated

        Regardless of determin-              almost whining tone fre-             and intention design. It
        istic insistence, classical          quently in the news media,  does not matter if the ma-

        admonitions assert the               about something called a             levolent individual is a
        primacy of free choice.              “civilized society”. Yet,            corporatist, politician or
        Inventions of a wide spec- that is a biased misrepre-                     street thug, the malice in

        trum of “mental illness”             sentation of one or more             thinking follows similar
        does not lesson or mitigate  individual perceptions.                      processes from thought

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