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P. 20

Classical Criminology and Human Nature

        accountability for the evils  Unfortunately, the sad                      to cure anything and a “di-

        people do. While others              state of affairs slants in           agnosis” to excuse horren-            F
        may sternly disagree with  the direction that colludes  dous and torturous behav-                               O
        this perspective, as vari-           a sleight of hand, in the            iors. Whether pontificating           R

        ous fields of pseudosci-             never-ending deceptions              about a perpetrator’s up-             G
        ence might assert, people            of human behavior. Un-               bringing, bad parenting,              E

        makes choices, both good  evolved and self-centered  neighborhood, poverty of                                   R
        and evil. In the decision-           motivations promulgate               “broken windows”, and                 Y
        making process, cost ver-            the easy mitigations of un- any other externality of

        sus benefit is elemental.            scientific conjecture that           “cause and effect”, the               D
        What really matters is               fosters intentional gullibil- majority of contemporary                     E

        whether the individual is            ity in deterministic sim-            explanations do not solve             C
        transforming by becoming  plicity. From academia to                       the crisis of a faltering             E
        a more differentiated and            commercial and political             global civilization. Several          P

        mature personality.                  oligarchies of power and             noted physicists and futur-           T
                                             control, for the satiation           ist have asserted the even-           I

        Self-evolving individual-            of economic self-interests,  tual demise of the human                      O
        ity requires the courage             careers and industries               species. Nonetheless, we              N
        of personal liberation for           have been constructed                come up with excuses to

        one’s thinking processes,            around the psychobabbles  blame someone or some-                           L
        in pursuit of a higher as-           of misdirection. While               thing.                                I

        cendency for thought and             tacitly, behind the scenes,                                                E
        action. Maturity assumes             some might decry the fla-            However, we have “ex-                 S
        a profound growth in re-             grant and unjustified fal-           perts” that frequently

        sponsibility for personal            lacies that sell hasty gen-          appear alongside smugly
        choices and subsequent               eralizations reinforced by           self-righteous newscasters,

        behaviors. An evolving               emotion reactivity, change  and explain the alleged
        individual is labors dili-           is futile.                           mitigating factors, from
        gently for selfless personal                                              assassinations to genocide,

        growth. For him or her,              Too late, the devolution             and commercial fraud to
        the personal quest spans a  process continues a re-                       political corruption. The

        lifetime. From grown up              gression of the human                fascinating prospect about
        thinking processes, he or            species into the macabre             most “experts”, especially
        she embraces accountabil- anti-thinking of arrogant                       in the so-called hallowed

        ity for the responsibility of  selfishness. There is an ex- halls of academia, is that
        personal transformation.             cuse for everything, a pill  they never actually were

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