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P. 26

Classical Criminology and Human Nature

        deficient the facts are.             mate accountability, rests           Unfortunately, in an al-

        Such divisiveness and                fully with the perpetrator.          leged modern society and              F
        condescension happen ev- From corrupt politicians                         so-called civilized culture,          O
        ery day, from academia to  to Wall Street “gangsters”,  which are not the case,                                 R

        the courtroom. Irrational            premeditation configures             counterproductive ac-                 G
        causal connections arise in  with malevolent intentions  tions insist upon different                            E

        every facet of social inter-         to commit illegalities that  results. With the varied                      R
        action, as many clamors              harm others. A particular            schools of thought perpe-             Y
        to justify nebulous notions  school of thought can ar-                    trated by various pseudo-

        claiming to answer com-              gue a certain philosophical  science, the probability of                   D
        plex behavioral questions.  perspective to mitigate,                      change and transformation             E

        Often overlooked is the              excuse or otherwise ratio-           of humankind is likely too            C
        ethical responsibility of            nalize the limited culpabil- late. The illusions fostered                  E
        the individual adherent              ity.                                 by non-scientific instiga-            P

        for implementing honest,                                                  tions in egregious fallacies          T
        straightforward evidence-            However, in the end, the             of inference, contravene              I

        based strategies in prob-            absence of sure, swift               and stifle productive coun-           O
        lem-solving processes.               and certain punishment,              termeasures for realistic             N
        For the classical crimi-             regardless of socio-                 appraisals of human ma-

        nologist, from the non-              economic status, politi-             levolence.                            L
        deterministic viewpoint              cal connections, alleged                                                   I

        presented here, it is not            “mental illness”, or as-             Criminals come in all                 E
        the environment, fam-                sorted excuses, hastens the  sizes, shapes and severity                    S
        ily conditions, society,             regression of the human              of harm they inflict. They

        community and so forth,              species. In furtherance of           corporatists who exploit
        which are definitive pre-            social decay, a devolving            the economic system, and

        cursor factors causing               society bent on extinction  politicians who abuse the
        criminal behavior. Every-            collectively rationalizes            political systems they ma-
        one makes choices and                any possibility for aber-            nipulate. Their ranks span

        determines their eventual            rant behavior. Every effort  a spectrum of self-indul-
        behavioral responses. It             to ensure the criminal’s             gent hedonistic armed rob-

        does not matter whether              responsibility, and sub-             bers, to greedy telemarket-
        corporate pirate or in-              sequent incapacitation,              ers who fled the mail and
        ternational terrorist and            remain essential to safe-            internet with hideous ad-

        everything in between,               guarding societal stability. vertisements. The scope,
        responsibility, and ulti-                                                 extent and nature of their

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