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American Correctional System





                                                                                             Photo Courtesy of
        immediately return to their  House arrest and elec-                       an electronic monitoring              P

        proper institution (Atkin-           tronic monitoring pro-               device such as an ankle               T
        son, 2016).                          grams are known to be                bracelet or other electronic          I

                                             more sever in nature due             technology that assists               O
        Weekend sentencing pro-              to the programs rules. In            probation officer in track-           N
        grams allow an offender              house arrest programs,               ing an offender’s location

        to only spend certain                offenders ordered legally            if they leave their homes             L
        days, typically weekends,  by the courts to remain in  (Atkinson, 2016).                                        I

        in prison. The rest of the           their place of residence                                                   E
        week they are able to live  for the duration of his/her  Community Service                                      S
        at home and work as nor-             sentence. Offenders on

        mal (Atkinson, 2016).                house arrest are allowed             Community service al-
        With this type of sentenc-           to leave their homes for             low offenders to avoid jail

        ing, usually the judge will  certain reasons that con-                    completing community
        decide if he/she deems an  sist of but not limited to                     service events (Atkinson,
        offender “worthy” based              medical, employment, and  2016). Community service

        on the type of job or re-            approved treatment pro-              requires the offender to
        sponsibility that would be  grams (, 2014,                       work without pay for the

        believe to make a tradi-             p. 1).                               community, and is usu-
        tional jail sentence hard to                                              ally supervised by either
        serve.                                House arrest may also be  probation officer or other

                                             arranged with electronic             certified personnel. Each
        Electronic Monitoring                supervision. This supervi-           county will have different

        House Arrest                         sion includes the use of             programs available, main-

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