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P. 33

American Correctional System

        lines. There are a number            role, probation is a sen-            offender is abiding by all
 F      of alternative sentencing            tencing procedure where              stipulations set forth by

 O      methods being used by                the offender avoids going            the courts. Any violation
 R      judges across the United             to jail or prison. Instead,          of the stipulations can

 G      States that do not involve           the offender will remain             result in probation being
 E      being sent to jail or prison.  under the supervision of                   revoked and the offender
 R      These alternative sentenc-           the court for a set period,          can be sent to jail or pris-

        ings where made in or-               and certain guidelines will  on (Tam, 2017).
        der to elevate the already           be set for the offender (i.e.
 D      overcrowded correctional  obeying all laws, abiding                       Work Furlough and
 E      system and maintain ap-              all court orders, report-            Weekend Work Program




 E                                                                                          Photo Courtesy of

        propriate level of budget-           ing changes of address or            Work Furlough is one
        ing. Common alternate                employment to assigned               form of an alternative

        sentencing include, proba- probation officer, subject                     sentencing program that
        tion, work furlough and              to drug testing, and limit-          can be easily defined as

        weekend work programs,               ed travel). It is up to judge  partial incarceration. Work
        electronic monitoring                to decide whether proba-             furlough allows offenders
        house arrest, community              tion will be granted (Tam,  to maintain a job in the

        service, and rehabilita-             2017).                               community while serving
        tion programs (Atkinson,                                                  their sentence. Usually

        2016).                               While on probation, the              offenders will be allowed
                                             offender may be subject              to leave their institution
        Probation                            unannounced visits from              to go to work and work

                                             his/her probation officer,           only. After their workday
        Often confused with pa-              this is to ensure that the           is over, offenders will then

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