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P. 40

Elite Investigative Journal
        The Management Realization,  pg 40-43
        ©2014-2018  SYT Global, Inc.

          The Management Realization By Dan Sinisi                                                                      F




                                                                                            Photo Courtesy of  T
        Congratulations! You’ve              sharing the good and the             managers, Directors, VPs,             I

        just been promoted into              bad of the company and               etc. You get the idea. What           O
        security management.                 the job and even your                many new managers don’t               N

        You are a loyal employee             personal lives with each             take into consideration, at
        with years of service who  other. Realistically, you                      least not right away, is that         L
        began at the bottom as a             may even be friends off              they are right in the mid-            I

        security officer working             duty with some of them.              dle of two groups: upper              E
        overnight shifts.  You have  You’re now making a                          management and subordi-               S

        become very familiar with  higher salary and working  nates, each with their own
        company policies, tactics            those “banker’s hours.”              ideas of how to run things
        and their mission/vision.            Yes, it has all fallen into          and how to get there. As a

        You are also familiar with  place.                                        manager you will have to
        everyone in upper man-                                                    walk a fine line.

        agement, whether person-             Or has It?
        ally or on paper. Most of                                                 As a newly minted man-
        all you know many, if not  If you are a manager                           ager, there is the urge

        all, the line officers, the          with a fairly large com-             to make your mark and
        backbone of any security             pany, chances are you are            implement things you

        program. As matter of fact  in middle management,                         have dreamed about doing
        you have worked side by              which basically means                for so long. You will of
        side with many of them,              you report to other senior           course try to make the best

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