Page 44 - Feb Mar 2018 PDF 2 12 18 22_Neat
P. 44

Elite Investigative Journal
        The Case for Handwriting Analysis,  pg 44-49
        ©2014-2018  SYT Global, Inc.
               The Case for Handwriting

                        Analysis   By Jacob Cammarata

                                                                                             Photo Courtesy of
        BASIS                                are involuntarily held ac-           mass, which wobbles and
                                             countable. These and other  collapses. Yet, in space,

        Everything in the Uni-               laws and principles must             both would spin unerr-
        verse is scientifically              be recognized and obeyed  ingly due to zero gravity.

        based and is associated              for not to do so could be            In each case, the top is af-
        with some mathematical               direly consequential.                fected or not by the influ-
        and/or other scientific law                                               ences of construction and

        or principle whether real-           Every move we make is                environment. Everything
        ized or not. Einstein’s fa-          according to the known               in the universe is affected

        mous energy equation was  and unknown laws of                             in some manner by repeat-
        true eons ago but only in            nature. Everyone. Yet, we  able (scientific) principles
        the last century was it de-          tend to take these laws for  including, without ques-

        veloped, recognized, and             granted and never realize            tion, the execution of
        proven. The laws of grav-            their scientific basis. Even  handwriting.

        ity, the relationships of the  the seeming absence of a
        pendulum, geometry, the              scientific principle is not          HANDWRITING
        principles of electric cur-          an absence at all. For in-

        rent and so many, many               stance, consider a perfect-          Once we know that hand-
        more repeatable laws and             ly spinning top the mass             writing is the result of a

        principles, known, and yet  of which is symmetrical.                      scientifically based or-
        unknown, are inescapable  Now consider a similar                          ganized system we can
        influences on which we               top with an asymmetrical             analyze this “system”

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