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P. 43

The Management Realization

 F      them or even to see if the job was being               ets with a personal note inside thanking
 O      performed correctly. It was about how to  them for their service and being part of

 R      improve the process and just maybe give  the team. It wasn’t a lot but I can tell you
 G      out a little advice. In my free time I was  that each officer appreciated it.

 E      known to cover an officer’s break to get
 R      a better feel of the post and allow other              Essentially I brought management to a
 Y      officers to continue their tours.                      more personal level. I made it a point
                                                               to see the staff on the off shifts and on

 D      The one thing I wanted every officer to                weekends, asked about their families and

 E      take home with them was that we were                   gave them a chance to vent out their con-
 C      a team. I explained this concept to every  cerns and frustrations. Writing notes into
 E      member of the security program by call-                a pad showed that I clearly cared and

 P      ing each officer into my office for a one              would try to work on their issues.
 T      on one informal chat. I asked about their  I strongly believe in leadership qualities

 I      professional aspirations and for sugges-               and working as a team. Being a manager
 O      tions on how the program could be better  is a position with responsibilities. It’s
 N      implemented. The feedback was great                    important that subordinates buy into the
        and productivity rose significantly. They  program and are kept abreast of what is

 L      no longer felt they were “warm bodies”                 going on. Treat each officer as a member

 I      on a post. I made it a point to remember  of the team. You can be a leader and a
 E      everyone’s birthday, work anniversa-                   manger if you find the common ground
 S      ries, wedding anniversaries and often                  and work with everyone to accomplish
        asked about their children. At Christmas,  your goals.
        I would give each officer a card and

        twenty-five dollars from my own pock-

        Donato is an innovative problem-solver with more than 17 years of security, supervisory,
        instructional and management experience complemented by a solid background in security and
        public safety. He is the author of “The Art of Private Patrol: What You Really Need to Know”

        and “How to Game Change Personal Service: Seven Principles.” Donato is the co-owner of
        Sound Training Group LLP at

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