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Elite Investigative Journal
        Detailed Guidelines for Graphologists on How to Collect Handwriting Samples,  pg 10-11
        ©2014-2018  SYT Global, Inc.

                             Detailed Guidelines for                                                                    F

              Graphologists on How to Collect                                                                           R

                                Handwriting Samples                                                                     G

          By Kathleen Amos                                                                                              Y

        Now we must get to some  conscious concern about                          unsuspecting efforts-even
        things that you must re-             how the writing looks, the  then you throw away the                        D
        member if you want to                expression of the writer’s           first page of the sample.             E

        analyze writing. First, it           character can slip in.               Another thing to look for             C
        is important to realize that  The serious graphologist                    is consistency. Be sure               E

        everyone’s handwriting is,  must collect several sam-                     that the characteristics of           P
        in one way or another, a             ples of the subject’s writ-          the writing are repeated.             T
        learned thing. We are not            ing. Ideally, these should           One time is not enough-it             I

        born with it. Our writing            be produced at different             might be just a slip of the           O
        shows the effects of the             times and with different             pen.                                  N

        efforts of our teachers, our  pens.
        own ideas of what good                                                    Now you are ready to                  L
        handwriting is, and the job  The collecting must be                       collect your samples.                 I

        writing does for us.                 done on the sly. A piece             Remember to be sure                   E
                                             of writing created to be             that they are real and not            S

        Think back. Probably ev-             analyzed is almost use-              disguised. Since we all
        eryone has experimented              less. The subject may be             disguise our handwriting
        with a change in his or her  showing off or trying to                     from time to time, here is

        handwriting at some time             disguise some of his or her  a list of things not to use
        or another. After you have  traits. And in almost all                     in analysis:

        settled on your handwrit-            cases, the subject will be
        ing, it usually becomes              too self-conscious about             1. Don’t use hastily writ-
        automatic. You don’t think  his or her writing to give                    ten samples. They do not

        about it anymore. What               you a typical sample.                really reflect the sub-
        happens is that the pen              Some graphologists feel              ject’s true writing.

        or pencil seems to have              that the ideal sample is
        a mind of its own. At the            made up of two whole                 2. Don’t use a sample
        point where there is little          pages of the subject’s               with just a few words

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