Page 18 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 18

How the Computer Criminals Control Information: Typess of Computer Crime

        ing involving drug raids,                                                 of a computer-related of-

        money laundering sei-                * Violation of copyright             fense must be established
        zures, and other arrests in  restrictions of commercial  for successful prosecution.
        encrypt the data or design           software can result in the

        * Allowing computer                  staggering loss to busi-             * The physical act of a               F
        criminals to destroy the             nesses                               computer crime, actus                 O

        storage media, such as               * Hackers break into com- reus, may be demonstrated                        R
        disks, to eliminate evi-             puters with the help of the  best by an electronic im-                     E
        dence of their illegal ac-           software illegally written           pulse                                 N

        tivities                             and sold                             * It is difficult to define           S
        * Letting child pornogra-            * Successful computer                and track                             I

        phers exchange informa-              programs, like the word              * A computer crime can                C
        tion through BBSs                    processing, spreadsheets,            occur in 3 milliseconds
                                             and databases are dupli-             using a program code that             M

        These computer crimes re- cated, packaged, and sold  tells the software to erase                                E
        quire unique data recovery  illegally on a large scale                    itself after the computer             T

        techniques in order to gain  * Just like the pirated                      executes the action elimi-            H
        access to the evidence.              audio and video tapes,               nating the evidentiary trail          O
                                             counterfeit computers and  * Causation relates to the                      D

        Computer Crimes                      peripherals (items such as  self-destruction of com-                       O
        Associated With the                  modems and hard disks)               puter programs that fa-               L

        Prevalence of Computers are also manufactured and  cilitate computer crimes                                     O
                                             sold under the guise of              and an investigator can               G
        The presence of comput-              originals                            not show causation if the             Y

        ers, and microcomputers,                                                  offender erases the execut-
        generates sinister muta-             Legal Issues Of                      ing instructions

        tions of the traditional             Computer Crimes                      * The electronic data in-
        crimes like the software                                                  terchange (EDI) and its
        piracy/counterfeiting,               Some States have enacted  networks complicate the

        copyright violation of               laws specifically directed           legal elements by making
        computer programs, coun- toward computer crimes,                          computer crimes more dif-

        terfeit equipment, black             while other States rely              ficult for law enforcement
        market computer equip-               fundamentally on the                 to specify, document, and
        ment and programs, and               common law as it applies             materially link the crime

        theft of technological               to current and emerging              to an individual
        equipment.                           technology. The elements             * The EDI connects par-

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