Page 20 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 20

How the Computer Criminals Control Information: Typess of Computer Crime

        protocols, and technolo-             account number and pass-             These computer crimes

        gies                                 word to view the contents  illustrate the gray areas
        * Associated with the                of a database                        of computer abuse, areas
        marketing and production  * A customer gives her                          that fall increasingly on

        of new technologies                  unlisted telephone number  the shoulders of law en-                        F
        * Pricing information,               as part of a sales transac-          forcement to address and              O

        marketing targets, product  tion at a store. The store                    resolve.                              R
        release dates, and produc-           enters the number into a                                                   E
        tion timetables                      computerized database                International Issues:                 N

                                             and later sells the data to                                                S
        Computer Crimes by                   a telemarketing firm with-           Technological knowledge               I

        Malfeasance                                                                  and expertise contribute           C
                                                                                     to the growth of com-
        The concept of com-                                                          puter crime on an inter-           M

        puter crimes by malfea-                                                      national level.                    E
        sance means that com-                                                                                           T

        puter-related behavior                                                       Businesses can make                H
        stretches the bounds                                                         great use of the                   O
        of legality and may be                                                                                          D

        viewed as only techni-                                                       * Unifying measures                O
        cally wrong.                                                                 * Open communica-                  L

                                                                                     tions like the single,             O
        Some of the scenarios                                   Photo Courtesy of  European-wide com-        G
        of malfeasance computer              out the customer’s permis- munication protocol                             Y

        crimes:                              sion                                 * Strong profit-oriented
                                             * A university computer              EU market spanning 12

        * A parent offers to copy            programmer develops                  countries
        a computer program for a             a program to schedule                * Open borders
        school that cannot afford            classes as part of a job             * Unification of technol-

        to buy the software                  assignment. The program- ogy standard
        * An employee secretly               mer then accepts a job               * Easier banking

        maintains a small database  with another university                       * Monetary transfers be-
        in an office computer as             and leaves with a copy of            tween countries
        part of a sideline business          the program for use at the

        * An individual uses                 new place of employment              Computer criminals are
        someone else’s computer                                                   taking undue advantage

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