Page 25 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 25

Science And Technology: Their Relationship with Law

        covering general truths of  of science are commonly                       essence, law is the tangi-

        the operation of general             classified along two major  ble and intangible context
        laws, esp. as obtained and  lines:                                        that links individuals to
        tested through scientific                                                 the community. In addi-

 F      method [and] concerned               -Natural sciences, the               tion, it defines responsibil-

 O      with the physical world.”            study of the natural world,  ities of individuals to so-
 R                                           and                                  ciety as much as it defines
 E      In other words, science                                                   and protects individual

 N      refers to a system of ac-            -Social sciences, the sys-           rights. In short, it is a pil-
 S      quiring knowledge. This              tematic study of human               lar of good governance.

 I      system uses observation              behavior and society.
 C      and experimentation to                                                    INTER-RELATION-
        describe and explain natu- v TECHNOLOGY                                   SHIP OF SCIENCE

 M      ral phenomena. The term                                                   AND LAW
 E      science also refers to the           The word “technology”

 T      organized body of knowl-             comes from the Greek                 Today’s high technol-
 H      edge that people have                word technologia, which              ogy society forces the
 O      gained using that system.            means the systematic                 two professions (law and

 D      Less formally, the word              treatment of an art, form            science) to interact in a
 O      science often describes              or skill or a manner of              wide array of cases. Le-

 L      any systematic field of              accomplishing a task espe- gal disputes involving
 O      study or the knowledge               cially using technical pro-          patents, product liability,
 G      gained from it. Perhaps              cesses, methods or knowl- environmental torts, regu-

 Y      the most general descrip-            edge. In other words, the            latory proceedings and
        tion is that the purpose             term technology refers to            criminal cases are some
        of science is to produce             the application of science,  fields of such interaction.

        useful models of reality.            especially to commercial             Further, law and science
        Most scientific investiga-           or industrial objects.               encounter each other in
        tions use some form of the                                                the laboratory through a

        scientific method. Science  v LAW                                         number of actions govern-
        as defined above is some-                                                 ing intellectual property,

        times called pure science            A rule of conduct estab-             research misconduct, etc.
        to differentiate it from             lished and enforced by the  The fact-finding agen-
        applied science, which is            authority, legislation, or           das of the two disciplines

        the application of research  custom of a given com-                       have frequently begun
        to human needs. Fields               munity, State, or nation. In  to overlap, if not merge.

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