Page 21 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 21

How the Computer Criminals Control Information: Typess of Computer Crime

        of all these issues as:                                advancements of computer technology

                                                               to further their own illegal activities.
        * Emerging international crime-related                 Unfortunately, their actions have far
        issues                                                 out-paced the ability of police to respond

 F      * Industrial espionage/competitive intel-              effectively. Protocols must be developed

 O      ligence                                                for law enforcement to stall the various
 R      * Economic/political espionage                         categories of computer crime. Investiga-
 E      * Expansion of international organized                 tors must know the materials to search

 N      crime beyond traditional areas                         and seize the electronic evidence to re-
 S      * Theft of technological hardware                      cover, and the chain of custody to

 I                                                             maintain.
 C      Computer criminals have adapted the

        Forensic News Journal
 M      Here is Why You Need Biometric Fingerprint Security to Secure Your Business,  pg 21-23
        ©2014-2017  SYT Global, Inc.

 T                                                     Here is Why You Need
 H                                                                  Biometric

 D                                             Fingerprint Security to Se-
 O                                                                  cure Your

 L                                                                   Business
 O                                          By Kyile Rey
 G                  Photo Courtesy of

 Y       1. Biometric technology             or stolen, biometric sys-            Geometry, Signature,
         has been the most favored  tems offer a higher level                     Odor, Typing, Vein; and so

         ID confirmation and ac-             of security than ordinary            forth.
         cess control/checking               confirmation strategies.

         technology utilized 1900’s                                               4. The behavioral and
         as a part of different              3. Assortments of biomet-            physical traits got to for
         government association,             ric technology that makes  biometric verification like

         banks and money related             identity confirmation more  iris/retina, voice, beat,
         establishments and high             powerful are accessible              DNA, vein, and so on are

         security premises.                  around the world; like:              less helpless against harm
                                             Fingerprint, Iris, Voice,            and unforeseen changes.
         2. Since biometric attri-           key-stroke, Pulse, Facial

         butes can’t be speculated           Recognition, DNA, Hand               5. The technology is less

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