Page 30 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 30

Science And Technology: Their Relationship with Law

        time, lacking. Therefore,            crime?                               producing Forensic Sci-

        sincere and serious efforts                                               entists or the courts con-
        are required to be made              Law-enforcement agen-                sulting on their own listed
        to eliminate personal and            cies refer to Forensic               experts is not very much

        professional bias of the             Experts to help solve                in vogue. In fact, there is           F
        involved personnel and               mysterious situations                an acute need to bridge               O

        professionals.                       concerning human life                the communication gap                 R
                                             and thereby, provide help            that presently exists be-             E
        Forensic Science in crimi- and useful contribution to  tween lawyers, judges                                    N

        nal investigation and trial          the criminal courts in the           and Forensic Scientists.              S
        is principally concerned             journey for search of truth  An independent analy-                         I

        with materials and circu-            in criminal trials. Forensic  sis and evaluation of the                    C
        itously through materials,  Science deals with various  scientist’s data and any
        with men, places and time.  aspects, including routine  subsequent testimony that                               M

        It embraces all branches             post-mortem to sophisti-             may follow again depends              E
        of science and applies               cated tracking piece like            on the judges’’ familiarity           T

        them to the purposes of              DNA analysis.                        and understanding of the              H
        law. The scientific exami-                                                principles of Forensic Sci-           O
        nation by Forensic Sci-              Unfortunately, techniques  ence.                                           D

        entists adjoins a missing            and methodology with                                                       O
        link or strengthens a weak  necessary materials used                      In Western countries DNA              L

        chain of investigation.              extensively in Western               test and profile is widely            O
                                             countries has not suc-               employed. In a country                G
        Systematic uses of Fo-               cessfully clicked in India           like ours, the need of such           Y

        rensic Science provide               because of a variety of              a test and profile may,
        significant assistance in            reasons, the major one               hardly, be emphasized. In

        answering the following              being the investment of              many developed countries,
        questions:                           huge finance. This science  DNA test, genetic testing
                                             is also, at times, useful            techniques and “racemiza-

        (i) How was the crime                in finding out the truth in          tion” -- testing based on
        committed?                           some of the civil cases.             systematic examination of

                                                                                  teeth and bite-marks has
        (ii) When was the crime              The prosecution mainly               proved to be very useful.
        committed?                           calls Forensic Scientists            “Racemization” technique

                                             as expert witnesses. The             is currently used in Japan
        (iii) Who committed the              practice of the defense              and Germany. It has po-

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