Page 31 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 31

Science And Technology: Their Relationship with Law

        tential to replace the tra-          products, then if one                infrastructure should be

        ditional method that took            speeds up the machine, it            developed in a way that
        into account the eruption            will deliver more of those  will not only give momen-
        and/or fusion and falling            bad products. Therefore,             tum to effective criminal

 F      sequence of teeth. A fu-             if we speed up a malfunc-            delivery system but will

 O      sion of such knowledge of  tioning Justice Admin-                         also hasten the entire long
 R      Forensic Science and new- istration System, it will                       drawn process of investi-
 E      ly developed techniques              simply toss up more of               gation.

 N      will, undoubtedly, not               injustice. Is that the goal
 S      only provide proper per-             of any justice delivery              IMPACT OF SCI-

 I      spective and dimensions,             system?                              ENCE ON COURT AND
 C      but will also lead to de-                                                 COURT PROCESSES
        tection of crime, and be a           In the words of Justice

 M      great help in search of the  Shayamal Kumar Sen,                          Science is not new to the
 E      truth. It will be useful in          “The investigation process  Indian courts. Towards the

 T      the prevention and control  needs to be hastened; oth-                    end of 1989, one low-end
 H      of crimes and will provide  erwise the criminal justice  computer was installed in
 O      required assistance to the           system will suffer”.                 Supreme Court of India

 D      parties to civil disputes, as                                             for caveat matching. Im-
 O      well.                                Justice Sen urged that               mediately thereafter, in

 L                                           research and development  1990, Justice GC Bharuka,
 O      IMPACT OF SCIENCE  should be initiated in a                               as a sitting Judge at the
 G      ON THE JUSTICE                       way that would ensure                Patna High Court initi-

 Y      DELIVERY SYSTEM                      that crime at the grass-             ated the process of court
                                             roots level is detected              computerization. On his
        Common view is that the              immediately and an effec-            transfer to Karnataka in

        Indian justice administra-           tive management system               1994, he undertook to
        tion system is slow. How-            should be introduced.                introduce ICT (Informa-
        ever, the major question                                                  tion and Communication

        is, is it the primary prob-          According to M P Singh,              Technologies) in the entire
        lem with Indian justice              vice-chancellor, West                judiciary of the state of

        delivery system? The key             Bengal National Univer-              Karnataka.
        issue is, is it is delivering        sity Of Juridical Science,
        justice at all in majority           new techniques should be  Presently all the courts

        of cases? If a machine               introduced as it will help           up to the taluka level are
        is faulty and makes bad              in crime detection and the  computerized. All the

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