Page 34 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 34

Science And Technology: Their Relationship with Law

        a territorial phenomenon.            tory of a single sovereign           It turns out that countries

        Cybercrime makes these               state; instead, “pieces” of          think quite differently on
        principles problematic               the cybercrime occur in              this issue. The cybercrime
        in varying ways and in               territory claimed by sev-            statutes of numerous

        varying degrees. Unlike              eral different sovereigns.           countries show varying                F
        real-world crime, it is not                                               and diverging jurisdiction            O

        physically grounded; it              Cybercrime is a primary              clauses. Since internet al-           R
        increasingly tends not to            example of cross-border              lows transactions between             E
        occur in a single sovereign  crime, and so, it raises the  persons of various juris-                            N

        territory.                           issue of jurisdiction. This          dictions, an international            S
        The perpetrator of a cy-             is a tricky issue. Acts on           agreement (to be crystal-             I

        bercrime may physically              the Internet that are le-            lized into a convention,              C
                                                          gal in the state        later) is required for any
                                                          where they are          regulation. However, in               M

                                                          initiated may be  arriving at a uniform law,                  E
                                                          illegal in other        varying standards adopted             T

                                                          states, even            by jurisdictions across               H
                                                          though the act is  the world and the point of                 O
                                                          not particularly        balance adopted by them               D

                                                          targeted at that        have to be kept in mind.              O
                                                          state. Jurisdic-                                              L
                                Photo Courtesy of
                                                          tion conflicts          Jurisdiction is a highly              O
        be in Country A, while his  abound, both negative                         debatable issue as to the             G
        victim is in Country B, or  (no state claims jurisdic-                    maintainability of any suit           Y

        his victims are in Coun-             tion) and positive (several  that has been filed. Today
        tries B, C, and D and so             states claim jurisdiction            with the growing arms

        on. The perpetrator may              at the same time). Above             of cyberspace the territo-
        further complicate mat-              all, it is unclear just what         rial boundaries seems to
        ters by routing his attack           constitutes jurisdiction: is  vanish thus the concept

        on the victim in Country             it the place of the act, the         of territorial jurisdiction
        B through computers in               country of residence of              as envisaged under S.16

        Countries F and G. The               the perpetrator, the loca-           of C.P.C. and S.2.of the
        result of these and other            tion of the effect, or the           I.P.C. will have to give
        cybercrime scenarios is              nationality of the owner of  way to alternative method

        that the cybercrime is not           the computer that is under  of dispute resolution.
        committed “in” the terri-            attack? Or these at once?

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