Page 38 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 38

Forensic News Journal
        Bite Mark Forensic Evidence,  pg 38-46
        ©2014-2017  SYT Global, Inc.

           Bite Mark Forensic

                                  Evidence                                                                              F

          By Sue Micallef                                                                                               E


                                                                                       Photo Courtesy of     I
        In struggles between as-             proper for defense; includ- to be recognized in scien-                     C

        sailants and victims, there  ed arms, legs and anterior  tific circles (Vale as cited
        is a tendency for teeth              teeth’. The first bite mark          Dorion, 2004).                        M

        to be used as a weapon.              case in the United States                                                  E
        Sometimes it is the only             was the famous Salem                 Prior to 1950, the number             T
        defensive tactic for a vic-          Witch Trials, in 1692. Rev.  of cases where bite marks                     H

        tim to inflict serious injury  Burroughs who was con-                     were used as evidence was             O
        on the assailant. It is a            victed and hanged used               small when compared to                D

        well-known fact, that in             to bite his victims. Dur-            today. A large proportion             O
        sexual attacks including             ing the trial his bite marks  was reported in Europe                       L
        sexual homicide, rape and  and of other people were                       and Japan, but most cases             O

        child sexual abuse, the              compared to the victim’s             originated in the USA. In             G
        assailants will most likely  marks. The judges readily  2002, over 400 forensic                                 Y

        bite their victims. This can  accepted the bite marks                     odonatologists were listed
        be viewed as an expres-              as evidence. In 1870,                in the American Acad-
        sion of dominance, rage              A.I Robinson was sus-                emy of Forensic Sciences

        and animalistic behavior.            pected of murdering his              (AAFS) (Dorion, 2004).
        Not many people have                 mistress. Five bite marks

        the view that teeth can              were found on her arm.               A major development in
        be such violent weapons              The bite mark evidence               bite mark investigations
        (Sweet & Pretty, 2001).              did not hold and Robinson  in the USA began in 1962

                                             was acquitted. Despite the  when courses in forensic
        Early recognition of bite            negative outcome of the              odontology began at the

        marks is seen in old Eng-            Robinson case, by 1890               Armed Forces Institute
        lish Law where ‘member               bite mark evidence started  of Pathology (AFIP) in

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