Page 40 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 40

Bite Mark Forensic Evidence

        cation (Evans, 2004).                the arms or shoulders and  the skin (Evans, 2004).

                                             when in defensive pos-               The most common type of
        There are about two hun-             tures bites can be found on  bite marks are contusions.
        dred different tooth chart-          the hands and arms (Sweet  Incisions offer the best

        ing methods in the world,  & Pretty, 2001).                               three dimensional images              F
        which provide an almost                                                   of the teeth. If avulsions            O

        100 % reliable means of              The marks left by the                and artifacts are com-                R
        identification. The Ameri-           teeth in a person may be             bined, one can produce a              E
        can approach, which is               used to identify an indi-            three dimensional image               N

        known as the Universal               vidual. Nowadays forensic  too. There are seven types                      S
        system, gives a number               odonatologists have be-              of bite marks; hemorrhage             I

        to each of the thirty two            come reasonably skilled              which is a small bleeding             C
        adult teeth. Information             at identifying bite marks            spot, abrasion which is an
        is then recorded on each             and relating it back to the          undamaging mark on skin,              M

        tooth according to the               person who has inflicted             contusion which is a rup-             E
        five visible surface of the          the mark (Horswell,                  tured blood vessel bruise,            T

        tooth. With this informa-            2004). A human bite mark  laceration which is punc-                        H
        tion, the odonatologists             is usually described as an           tured or torn skin, avul-             O
        can complete a dental                elliptical or circular in-           sion where there is remov-            D

        grid, unique to that person  jury and the differences                     al of the skin and artifact           O
        (Evans, 2004).                       in size and shape of teeth           were a piece of the body is           L

                                             can sometimes be eas-                bitten off. These are then            O
        Human bite marks are                 ily noticed especially               further divided into four             G
        found when teeth are used  when teeth are missing or  degrees of impression,                                    Y

        as weapons. They can be              prominent (Lotter, 2008).            which when analyzed can
        used as weapons of anger;  However, a bite mark is                        help to note what kind of

        weapons of excitement;               not an overall accurate              violence was exerted and
        weapons of control or                representation of the teeth;  may be used as aggravat-
        weapons of destruction               it also depends on the jaw  ing circumstances.

        (Lotter, 2008). Bite marks  movement and use of the
        are usually found on the             tongue. The lower jaw is             1. significant pressure

        skin of the victim. Fe-              moveable and is the one
        males are usually bitten on  that gives the most bit-                     2. first degree pressure
        the breasts and legs dur-            ing force, while the upper

        ing sexual attacks, while            jaw is usually stationery            3. violent pressure
        men are usually bitten on            and holds and stretches

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