Page 36 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 36

Science And Technology: Their Relationship with Law

                                                 Bryan P. Werley, Aussie  providers on the internet

         “Hot Tubbing”: Old wine  Rules: Universal Jurisdic-
        in New Bottles for Expert  tion over Internet Defa-                           In info age, time for
        Witnesses.    The New                mation, 18 Temp. Int’l &             cyber savvy cops. Uma

        York Times: August 7,                Comp. L.J. 199, 219                  Karve. October 5, 2002.               F
        2008, Kenneth Chang.                     Para 1.16 of the British                                               O

                                             Law Commission Report                    Learning the law, Indian          R
        Law, science and technol-            on Defamation and the In- Express. Karina Sudarsan                         E
        ogy collaboration: Justice  ternet, cited from (visited                       Beware! Cyber Crimi-              N

        M. Jugannadha Rao-                   on 7th August, 2004                  nals are on the prowl,                S
        Chairman Law Commis-                                                      Navhind Times,March 17,               I

        sion of India.                           1996 US Dist LEXIS               2002; by Shaikh Jamalu-               C
            Kolkata Newsline,                8435 (SDNY 19 June,                  ddin.
        Thursday, February 01,               1996), cited from R. Mat-                                                  M

        2007.                                than: The Law Relating to     10 Myths of Electronic                       E
                                             Computers & the Internet,  Security, Banking Fron-                         T

        A profile of forensic sci-           p. 2 (New Delhi: But-                tiers September, 2002; Ro-            H
        ence in juristic journey:            terworths, 2000). In this            has Nagpal, Asian School              O
        Justice Jitendra N. Bhatt.           case, the defendant was              of Cyber Laws.                        D

            Do space laws need to            an Italian, who had, using                                                 O
        be modified? S Bhatt                 an Italian server, set up a              I’’ll be watching you!            L

            Space weddings. I do. I  website, under the name                      Times of India, December              O
        really do. Carol Pinchef-            “Playmen”. The court had  19, 2002; Zahra Khan,                            G
        sky, 7 July 2008.                    earlier issued a                     Times News Network.                   Y

                                             permanent injunction                     Approaches to Cyber-
           Tara Blake Garfinkel,             against the defendant                crime Jurisdiction; Susan

        Jurisdiction Over Com-               from using that name in              W. Brenner, University of
        munication Torts: Can You  any magazine sold, pub-                        Dayton - School of Law,
        Be Pulled into Another               lished or distributed in             Bert-Jaap Koops Tilburg

        Country’s Court System               USA. The court accepted              University - Faculty of
        for Making a Defama-                 that it could not order the          Law (TILT).

        tory Statement Over the              website to be shut down
        Internet? A Comparison               as that would amount to                  Challenge of borderless
        of English and US Law, 9  asserting that every court                      ‘’Cyber Crime’’ to Inter-

        Transnat’l Law 489, 492              in the world had jurisdic-           national Efforts to Combat
                                             tion over all information            Transnational Organized

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