Page 32 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 32

Science And Technology: Their Relationship with Law

        judicial officers and court          six decades back would

        staff are trained. There is          have thought of going
        complete automation from  to space, let alone mar-
        filing of a case to grant of  rying in space. Thanks

        a certified copy. Digital            to science, this has now                                                    F
        production of under-trial            become a reality. For $2.3                                                  O

        prisoners by video-confer- million, a person can ce-                                                             R
        encing is made possible.             ment bonds from 62 miles                                                    E
        Through website, cause               straight up. Japanese com-                                                  N

        lists of the Supreme Court  pany First Advantage,                                                                S
        of India, High Courts,               along with former X-Prize                                                   I

        district courts and various  contender Rocket plane                                                              C
        Tribunals is made avail-             Global, is teaming up to                       Photo Courtesy of
        able online, a day before.           offer weddings in space.             family why they were not               M
                                                                                  invited.                               E

        SCIENCE AND GREY                     According to a Live Sci-                                                    T

        AREAS OF LAWS                        ence article, Rocket plane  Not only this, Sapporo                          H
                                             Global “is developing the            Breweries, the Japanese                O
        v SPACE LAWS                         XP Spaceplane for private  beer maker established                           D

                                             suborbital spaceflights.             in 1876, is brewing beer               O
        Simply put, Space law is a  The four-seat spaceship                       from barley descended                  L

        part of International juris-         is slated to be about the            from seeds that spent five             O
        prudence related to outer            size of a fighter jet and            months on the Internation-             G
        space. It follows custom-            designed to carry two jet            al Space Station ( ISS).               Y

        ary practice in defining             engines and a rocket en-
        outer space, the region              gine to reach space.”                According to a CNN ar-

        100 km beyond the earth’s                                                 ticle, “The project is part
        surface.                             Besides shelling out $2.3            of biological studies of
                                             million, a person must un- the adaptability of plants

        With the advancement                 dergo four days’ worth of            to environmental chang-
        of science and technol-              training for the one-hour            es and the impact from

        ogy, things that were once  ceremony. Training in-                        stresses such as space
        considered impossible are  cludes safety procedures,                      travel.”If successful, the
        now increasingly becom-              weightless maneuvering,              study will bring the world

        ing possible and even                                                     one-step closer to grow-
        fashionable. No one, some  and to explain to one’s                        ing crops in space. In

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