Page 33 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 33

Science And Technology: Their Relationship with Law

        addition, fortunately, right  that time space activities                  causing inconvenience to

        now, scientists cannot tell  will involve almost every                    agencies comprising sen-
        the difference between               industry, be it catering and  sitive, secret or confiden-
        the ISS grains and home-             drinks, fashion and enter-           tial functions has come up.

 F      grown barley.                        tainment, or law.                    Chances of use of the web
 O                                                                                as a forum for publication

 R      However, in order for                An attractive legal envi-            of defamatory content has
 E      commercial space activi-             ronment is needed to en-             increased multifold and

 N      ties to grow, there must be  able operating companies                     there is a need for a clear,
 S      an attractive legal envi-            to plan passenger services  coherent expression of the
 I      ronment. Unfortunately               and place orders for the             law in this area.

 C      existing space law consists  vehicles that they require,
        mostly of some inter-                and for manufacturers to             Hacking time theft (steal-

 M      governmental treaties that  finalize vehicle design                       ing someone else’s inter-
 E      are quite inappropriate for  details and raise the in-                    net time) pornography,
 T      business.                            vestment that they need in  sending threatening e-

 H                                           order to put the vehicles            mail, defamatory e-mail,
 O      Space is just another place  into production.                             hacking e-mail, e-mail

 D      where humans are go-                                                      bombs, etc. are the main
 O      ing to live. In addition,            Sovereignty over outer               areas of cybercrime.
 L      because space is almost              space is another debat-

 O      limitless humans are going  able issue that needs to be  The people who commit
 G      to live there in vast num-           resolved.                            cybercrimes are mostly

 Y      bers in the future. In other                                              those who have white-
        words, it will become a              CYBER LAWS AND JU- collar jobs, unlike usual
        completely new habitat.              RISDICTIONAL                         criminals. They can even

        Today most activities in             ISSUES                               be high school kids. The
        space are government                                                      territory that a cybercrime
        ones because getting to              With the advent of inter-            can stretch across is im-

        and from space is so ex-             net, a whole new category  mense. It can go over
        pensive. Once travel from  of crime that includes                         continents

        orbit is cheap enough, as            fraud, theft of services
        on earth, individuals, pri-          and data, copyright in-              The principles that govern
        vate companies and or-               fringement, destruction              the exercise of criminal ju-

        ganizations will carry on            of data through computer             risdiction are based on the
        most activities in space. At  sabotage (viruses) and acts  assumption that “crime” is

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