Page 41 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 41

Bite Mark Forensic Evidence

        4. skin violently torn from

        (O’Conner, 2006).


 N      In odontology, for a physi-
 S      cal comparison of a bite

 I      mark to be successful, the
 C      questioned evidence (Q)

        photograph of the bite
 M      mark must be accurately
                                                                                         Photo Courtesy of
 E      produced. It must then be            filled thereafter with me-           rate way to avoid any dis-
 T      recreated in a life size             tallic powder. After this is  crepancies and allows the
 H      dimension, and is then               done an x-ray film is used  examiner to use the com-
 O      called the Known (K)                 to capture the teeth im-             puter functions into a mi-

 D      evidence. After this is              pression. The direct super- croscope for comparison.
 O      done, the plaster cast of            imposition of Q and K                The computerized system

 L      the defendant’s teeth are            photographs are used                 of analyzing bite marks
 O      used to identify any simi-           when dentists testify in             has the benefits of creating
 G      larities in shape, position-         court, to show that there is  accurate means of measur-

 Y      ing and so on and forth              sufficient identification            ing physical parameters

        (Bowers & Johansen,                  value to reach a result.             of crime scene evidence,

        2004). The methods typi-             These are all meticulously  corrects common pho-
        cally used include the               made to scale to be able to  tographic distortion and
        older ones for example               provide rigorous and accu- size discrepancies, helps

        hand tracing the teeth               rate comparison results              to eliminate any examiner
        perimeters on clear ac-              (Bowers & Johansen,                  subjectivity, betters the

        etate, then Xeroxing the             2004).                               control of image visualiza-
        dental casts and then trac-                                               tion, standardizes com-
        ing them on acetate too.             Recently, digital imaging            parison procedures, helps

        The dental cast teeth are            software and image cap-              to create reproducibility of
        then pushed into wax and             ture devices have created a  results between separate
                                             more advanced and accu-              examiners and is ideal for

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