Page 42 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 42

Bite Mark Forensic Evidence

        electronic transmission              documentation of the                 and noted. These are done

        and archiving (Bowers                dentition, clinical exami-           both in the case of a living
        & Johansen, 2004). The               nation with extra oral and  victim as a deceased indi-
        better the bite mark, the            intraoral considerations             vidual. Demographics in-

        better an expert can make  and dental impressions. In  clude details such as name                               F
        a reliable comparison (O’            1994 the ABFO indicated  of victim, case number                            O

        Connor, 2006).                       that the most widely used            and date of examination,              R
                                             methods of comparing bite  person to contact, age of                       E
        The American Board of                mark evidence were; the              victim, sex and name of               N

        Forensic Odontology                  generation of overlays (ac- examiner. The location of                      S
        (ABFO) follows bite mark  etate), test bite media such  bite mark, which includes                               I

        standards and guidelines.            as wax exemplars, Styro-             the anatomical location,              C
        The ABFO provides a                  foam and so on and com-              description of surface con-
        list of generally accepted           parison techniques mostly  tour and whether it is flat,                    M

        methods that meet the                using acetate.                       curved or irregular and a             E
        criteria of the scientific                                                description of the tissue             T

        model. This is to help               All ABFO diplomats are               characteristics with details          H
        forensic odontology to               expected to use the most             on the underlying bone,               O
        achieve the objective of             analytical standards and             cartilage, muscle and fat             D

        universally acceptable               methods suggested.                   structure and if the skin is          O
        methodology. The ABFO                Certain vital information            fixed or mobile. The shape            L

        provides guidance on                 must always be recorded              of the bite mark must be              O
        how to preserve bite mark                                                                                       G
        evidence, which are saliva                                                                                      Y

        swabs of bite site, pho-
        tographic documentation

        of the bite site which in-
        cludes lighting and scale,
        obtaining impressions of

        bite site including victim’s
        dental impressions, tis-

        sue specimens. Guidelines
        are also formulated on the
        evidence collection of sus-

        pected dentition and these
        include the photographic                                                             Photo Courtesy of

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