Page 47 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 47

Forensic News Journal
        Forensic Theology- Ideoological Threat Assessments,  pg 47-56
        ©2014-2017  SYT Global, Inc.
                                                               Forensic Theology -

                                                                Ideological Threat


 O                                                                    Assessments
 E                                                                    By Randy Gonzalez

 S                       Photo Courtesy of

 I      What is “forensic theol-             has been suggested in re-            kind of “scale of evil”.
 C      ogy”? Another way to                 lation to terroristic activi-        Again, the titillation am-

        analyze modus operandi               ties. But, why stop there?           plifies with mystification.
 M      in criminal cases? For               Particularly as applied to
 E      instance, suspicion could            radical domestic and for-            Suddenly, with sufficient

 T      fall on a seemingly dan-             eign belief systems. Or,             media hype, as well as
 H      gerous cult, gang, terrorist  terrorism perpetrated from  heavy concentration of
 O      group or other organized             a fundamentalist doctrine.           sensationalism, everyone

 D      criminal enterprise? Or,                                                  wants to “do” forensics.
 O      an evolving tactic to ana-           Yet, the word “forensic”             Become a crime scene in-

 L      lyze anti-social extreme             holds many connotations.  vestigator, work in “CSI”,
 O      belief systems? Such as              For which there are sev-             or become a “profiler”.
 G      hate groups. Still though,           eral interpretations and             Exciting, sexy and entic-

 Y      “forensic theology” might  viewpoints. Often mis-                         ing prospects for creative

        be a potential investigative  understood and confused                     imaginations. Aside from
        strategy to scrutinize prob- with movie and television  any rational association

        able criminality among               stereotypes. For some                with real world applica-
        fanatical ideologies? Well  students in undergraduate  tions. Sort of in the same
        then, let’s break down               criminal justice courses,            realm with fortune tellers,

        the components. Because              the mere mention of the              mentalists and psychic
        there might be another               word invites salacious               detectives. No long term

        option to constructing               overtones. Kind of like an  real-word practical law
        threat analyses because of  allusion to the inaccurate                    enforcement expertise is
        extremist behaviors. An              non-scientific application           ever required. Just capi-

        allegation of the applica-           of something called “crim- talizing on exaggerated
        tion of “forensic theology”  inal profiling” or some                      claims masquerading as

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