Page 49 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 49

Forensic Theology- Ideoological Threat Assessments

        Of which, we can observe  and local law enforcement  vestigative process would

        past, present and perhaps            operations. With that, ev-           be shaped by an external
        future probabilities in non- ery effort should be made                    assessment of probable
        pro-social endeavors. For            to ensure methodical veri-           criminality. So, together,

 F      them, observation notes              fiable analysis of targeted          we have a thumbnail de-

 O      attendant associational              objectives. Added to the             piction for a concept of
 R      activities, graffiti, online         application of “forensic”            “forensic theology”. This
 E      blogs, web sites, assorted           operability, we could asso- focuses mostly on group

 N      propaganda, and all kinds  ciate a concept of “theol-                     threats to social stability.
 S      of symbolism. To this, in-           ogy” or “thinking”.                  In assessing criminal

 I      vestigators might link the                                                motivations, the classi-
 C      authentication of emailing,  Again, regarding those                       cal perspective offers the
        chat rooms interactivities,  things “theological”, the                    rationality of choice.

 M      and group linkages.                  term could be broadly in-
 E                                           terpreted. Bringing togeth- Criminals, not unlike the

 T      In other words, with a               er critical thinking efforts         rest of us, freely choose
 H      workable conception of               to address anticipation of           their planned, calculated
 O      “forensic theology”, we’re  violent behaviors backed                      and selected targets for

 D      dealing with the potential- by dogmatic philosophies.  opportunistic self-gratifi-
 O      ity of known evidentiary             This would cover the care- cation. As with humanity

 L      characteristics, circum-             ful study of belief systems  in general, selfishness is
 O      stantial inferences and              that formulate extrem-               at the core of motivational
 G      informational data bases             ism outside conventional             purposes. For terrorists, as

 Y      from definable sources.              social interactions. More            an example, aggression,
        For definitional applica-            generally, this is sug-              violence and intimidation
        bility, we could say then,           gested to be the analysis            serve the basis to achieve

        that “forensic” means the            of religious, spiritual and          individual or group advan-
        wide-ranging spectrum of  ideological thinking pro-                       tage over others. While
        legal issues affecting the           cesses. With a focus on              they tend to operate on a

        criminal justice system.             those individuals, collu-            larger scale, with a politi-
        Encompassing investiga-              sive entities and groups             cal cover story. Similar to

        tive, prosecutorial and              that could be potentially            transnational organized
        evidentiary parameters.              anti-social in a destructive  criminal elements. Terror-
        Within which, we need to  sense. Such as with gangs,  ists, like street criminals

        consider multi-level inter-          terrorist cells, organized           or corporate criminals,
        faces, from federal, state           crime and others. The in-            commit typical crimes

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