Page 50 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 50

Forensic Theology- Ideoological Threat Assessments

        of murder, rape, robbery,            spatial presence. Everyone  well-calculated cover-ups.

        theft and so, for the sake           possesses the elemental              None the less, criminal
        of personal enrichment.              desires to satiate prurient          activity is the result of
        They may plead or advo-              passions. Libidinous rea-            rational choice, hedonistic

        cate a publicly seductive            sons in the private abil-            intentions, and personal              F
        cause, such as the environ- ity to carry thoughts into                    gain through thoughtful               O

        ment, animal research and  reality.                                       planning.                             R
        oppression. None the less,                                                Criminality finds much                E
        their ideological dogma              Criminality’s a rational             kinship. Crosses every                N

        remains an illusion for              component for the cause              socio-economic stratum,               S
        their real intentions.               and effect in premeditated  as well as geo-political                       I

                                             intent to knowingly breach  nation-state boundaries re-                    C
        Behind the psychic scenes,  communal constraints.                         garding a diversity of doc-
        that is, in the cerebral             Freely chosen through                trines, creeds and tenets.            M

        conduits of human think-             willful decision-making,             Thus, with the intentions             E
        ing processes. Not “psy-             people create their own              of extremism, cloaked                 T

        chic” in the sense of the            adversity, victories and             in dogmatic facades and               H
        paranormal, as in ghosts,            calamities. We’re se-                deceptive doctrinal tradi-            O
        goblins and other ghoulish  duced willingly by our                        tions, social disruption is           D

        sleight of hand trickeries.          darker side. Drawn to                exceptionally probable.               O
        Religiosity, philosophi-             offense-specific endeav-             Such terrorism spans the              L

        cal belief systems and               ors given the level of our           societal spectrum. From               O
        lifestyle choices manifest           offender-specific skills and  cultic religious enclaves,                   G
        a multiplicity of motiva-            abilities. We enhance our            to ethnic “gangsterism”               Y

        tions toward criminality.            self-indulgent competi-              and racial supremacists.
        We’re all looking for op-            tive edge in the individual  Not to forget, of course,

        portunities to advance our  quest to achieve personal                     many other forms of do-
        covert agendas. Criminal             advantages. Neural com-              mestic and foreign terror-
        inclinations are part of hu- plexity remains dynamic                      ist groupings. Diabolical,

        man nature. Indwelling as  in the selection of modes                      oppressive and tyrannical
        it were, inside the essence  for maladaptive behav-                       purposes hide behind a

        of human potential. Not              iors. Yet, once caught in            front of mass media illu-
        on the outside, but internal  the act, excuses abound at  sions. We can witness a
        to each of us. Our com-              every twist of the criminal  diverse exhibition of such

        plexity of personal being,           event. Cover stories sell            humanistic activities on
        neural networking and                front page headlines in              a daily basis. Across the

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