Page 54 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 54

Forensic Theology- Ideoological Threat Assessments

        dedicated religious fun-             willing and able to inflict          From salacious inclina-

        damentalist, or ideologue            cross-cultural damage to             tions, we pursue the ama-
        playing “Robin Hood”.                satiate personal desires.            tive means to unleash our
        Whatever, nothing new                Nevertheless, we like to             competitive edge. Conflict

        here. Mobsters have                  fool ourselves. Pretend              gives us a chance to proj-            F
        done that decades. So,               how civil we are. Alleged  ect ritualized selfishness                      O

        the criminal hood travels            our civilized progress.              into social survival en-              R
        to a foreign land. Joins             Make things simplistic,              gagement. After all, good             E
        other criminals. Stud-               trouble-free and easier for  and evil are the essence of                   N

        ies military tactics and             us to look in the mirror.            human nature. This dual-              S
        techniques. Learns how               Maybe that’s the reason              ity is fundamental to our             I

        to make bombs. Applies               people choose to so easily  very makeup. We’re ca-                         C
        oneself to the purposes              believe in strange, weird            pable of any heinous act
        of skillful social destruc-          and nebulous notions.                in the name of some doc-              M

        tion. By converting to               Even among seemingly                 trinal rationalization. And,          E
        the chosen belief system,            well-educated persons,               from there, we possess the            T

        another inventive form of  like college professors.                       ability to kill to ensure the         H
        storytelling. The gangster           Academia can be an intel-            precepts for our continued            O
        becomes able to advance              lectual war zone of psy-             communal competition.                 D

        the skill levels necessary           cho-babble masquerading  Cognitive bias roams the                          O
        to commit more crimes.               as alleged truths. We labo- byways of credibility in                       L

        But, deterministic social            riously seek to makeover             the hunt for subjective               O
        engineering would have us  inner psychic struggles                        validation. All too often             G
        believe otherwise. Many,             for an effective confronta-          facts are avoided to the              Y

        desiring to be gullible for          tion with life and death             allure of unfussy foggy
        their needs. Buy into his            realties. From which, we             murmurs of inferential fal-

        lack of social opportunity,  quickly, outside the se-                     lacies for hasty generaliza-
        immigration policies, inef- curity of our communal                        tions.
        fective public schools, bad  group, find fault with

        parenting, absentee father,  those external to us. Jus-                   Application of a working
        neglectful mother, peer              tifications for the ruse of          hypothesis, for an applied

        pressure and unemploy-               ideological hatreds surface  theory of forensic theo-
        ment.                                without hesitance. So that  logical analysis, requires
                                             we can take advantage,               the never-ending quest for

        Excuses never end and in- manipulate, and control                         factual materiality. To that,
        tentions are always ready,  the others.                                   add competence, experi-

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