Page 52 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 52

Forensic Theology- Ideoological Threat Assessments

        forms of criminality that            expresses the collective             affiliation” or “social righ-

        transcends global bound-             inclinations of the human            teousness”. For that mat-
        aries. Likewise, these and  membership. Dangerous                         ter, they might subscribe
        other threat groups pose             cult associations, street            to discernable political or

        a danger not only to lo-             gangs, terrorist cells and           religious goals. But, then            F
        cal communities, but also            other organized criminal             again, some do others                 O

        to national security as              enterprises are precisely            don’t. Never the less, their          R
        well. Thus, early warning            that. They are criminal              intended purposes are to              E
        through proactive intel-             organizations assembled              be monopolistic, employ               N

        ligence gathering remains  for the purpose of com-                        aggressive violent means,             S
        critical. In so doing, prac-         mitting criminal actions.            and ensure profit conti-              I

        titioners therefore become  Commonality of purpose                        nuity at all costs. To this           C
        tasked with constructing             expresses the basic seduc-           end, groups collude with
        logical and well-reasoned  tive driving forces in our                     other groups when it is to            M

        threat assessments. These            human nature. One good               their mutual interests. In            E
        could be based on the                and the other evil. Objec-           the process, they promote             T

        implications of “forensic            tives include exclusiv-              conspiratorial activities in          H
        theological” appraisals. As  ity of membership and                        the coordination of var-              O
        an investigator, one must            perpetuation of “elitism”            ied illicit activities. Gain          D

        bear in mind that nothing            among adherents. Doc-                is in the primacy of their            O
        is ever foolproof. So, care  trine forms the basis of a                   motivating factors. From              L

        and caution are extremely  pretext in the deception                       within their structural               O
        serious factors to keep in           of disguised orthodoxy. In  framework, they utilize                        G
        mind. Evidentiary factors            other words, symbols, im-            predatory tactics to intimi-          Y

        are vital to provability.            ages, signs, etc., are used          date, instill fear and cor-
        Plus, we must understand             as cover stories, legends,           rupt others to achieve their

        that there are many varia-           and mythology to cloak               objectives.
        tions of criminal group              their real intentions.
        collusions. The ideologi-                                                 To facilitate discovery of

        cal spectrum has many                Criminal entities seek to            malice aforethought in
        representative factions, in  maintain their anti-social                   premeditated intentions,

        diverse places all over the  viability through whatever  as opposed to the usual
        planet.                              criminal means possible.             rubric of “motive, means
                                             They may or may not                  and opportunity”. As

        Regardless of doctrine or            express a so called “po-             these are often illusion-
        dogma, group criminality             litical agenda”, “religious  ary at best and deceptive

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