Page 43 - Forensic News Journal Oct Nov 2017
P. 43

Bite Mark Forensic Evidence

        described for example if it  CRIMINAL JUSTICE                             dicially accepted in the

        is round, ovoid, crescent,           SYSTEM                               United States since 1954
        irregular etc. The color of                                               (Doyle vs. State). It was
        the bite mark is also im-            The criminal justice sys-            only in 1975, that bite

 F      portant to note, e.g. red,           tem has long endorsed                mark evidence gave us the

 O      purple.                              odontology as a major                Marx standard of admis-
 R                                           source of valuable aid.              sibility (People vs. Marx,
 E      The size is also to be not-          Apart from identifying               1975). The identification

 N      ed, whether it is vertical           perpetrators of crime,               of a biter has been use-
 S      or horizontal and prefer-            odontology has also                  ful and instrumental in

 I      ably noted in the metric             helped in the identification  criminal investigations
 C      system. The injury can be  of unidentified persons                        especially in cases of ho-
        a petechial hemorrhage,              (FBI Laboratory, 1989 as             micide; sexual abuse and

 M      contusion, abrasion, lac-            cited in Brennan, Gray-              child abuse cases (Pretty
 E      eration, incision, avulsion  Ray, & Hensley, 1997).                       & Sweet, 2000 as cited

 T      or artifact. Other informa-                                               in Bowers & Johansen,
 H      tion that is to be gathered          Differences in teeth are as  2001). The USA has quite
 O      if possible is whether the           different as those marks             a developed system of

 D      skin surface of indented or  found by other tools and                     dental records based on
 O      smooth (Bowers & Johan- fingerprints. Though a per- the Universal system and

 L      sen, 2004). Since the skin  son’s teeth may look the                      this helps considerably
 O      is elastic, and depending            same, they are different in  especially in identifying
 G      on the victim some bite              size, shape, arrangement,            ‘John/ Jane Doe’ victims

 Y      marks may last for hours             wear, damage, age, qual-             (O’Connor, 2006).
        while others may last for            ity and quantity and habits
        days. All bite marks alter           of the individual (Levine,           The forensic weight and

        themselves as time elaps-            1972 ac cited in Brennan,  value of the bite mark is
        es, therefore it is impor-           Gray- Ray, & Hensley,                based on the characteris-
        tant to photograph the bite  1997). The FBI Laborato-                     tics of the bite marks that

        marks as consistent inter-           ry in 1989 has concluded             are similar to the defen-
        vals over a period of hours  that dental uniqueness is                    dant’s. Most dentists’

        and days as recommended  beyond any reasonable                            though, rely on a ‘rule in’
        by the ABFO (O’Connor,               doubt.                               or ‘rule out’ fashion and
        2006).                                                                    therefore provide a weak

                                             Bite mark analysis and               linkage. So at this stage,
        BITE MARKS AND                       evidence has been ju-                the forensic weight of this

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