Page 13 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 13
The Spectrum of Death: Perspective on News Coverage
extend our years.
B And no doubt
R these efforts ex-
O tend across all
W causes of death.
R But, some efforts
D receive more at-
tention than oth-
U ers.
I Our candidates
V for office focus,
E rightfully, on
R funding for first
S responders, on
I the safety of our Photo Courtesy of
T neighborhoods, and on the light extensively or as
Y readiness and actions of the mentally unstable or
our armed forces to thwart
2 terrorist threats. Similarly, morally wicked, from use assuredly what we can do
0 the elected officials in our of firearms for suicide. or to whom we can con-
2 legislative bodies debate, tribute when heart attacks,
0 unfortunately not always The media provide a ser- or industrial accidents, or
reaching consensus, on vice by highlighting what auto accidents, take the
laws and steps to prevent we can do and to whom life of a family breadwin-
horrific mass shootings, or we can contribute to pro- ner, leaving children and
possession of fire arms by vide relief from all range spouses not only in grief
criminals, gang members of natural disasters. And but in financial distress.
and mentally unstable. of course natural disasters
not only bring casualties, Our corporations gen-
We do not see the same but enormous and wrench- erously contribute to
intense political focus on ing physical and economic charitable causes, in great
preventing the mentally damage. amounts, and run, occa-
distraught, as distinct from sionally, ads supporting
The media do not high-