Page 15 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 15

The Spectrum of Death: Perspective on News Coverage

        and sufficiently reason-             member, or neighbor, or              Thus, both as we look
 B      able.                                worker, or friend, or just           backward at deaths we

 R                                           in our neighborhood. And  know personally, and
 O      But we do see a relation,            the incident involved a              forward at the most likely
 W      or at least a correlation,           heart attack, or an auto ac- causes of our death (and

 A      between the media report-            cident, or a miscarriage, or  maybe more pointedly
 R      ing on the causes of fa-             a cancer. And we wonder              the likely causes for our

 D      talities, and the attention          why it had to happen, and  family and loved ones),
        given to prevention. The             question what could have             those causes lie not in the
 U      attention tends to follow,           been done, and how those  highly reported or unique

 N      at time strongly, the level          impacted will carry on.              incidents, but in typical,
 I      of reporting. This supports                                               recurring conditions.

 V      our concern, that media              Similarly, we each face
 E      reporting, and likely other  risks of death, from                         This personal perspec-
 R      factors, skews actions               similar, individual, less-           tive gives us a basis from

 S      against deaths, at least             reported causes, again               which to adjust our bal-
 I      slanted enough that an               below the media radar.               ance. As we absorb the

 T      equalizing becomes war-              Thus, our greatest risks             daily media reporting of
 Y      ranted. And equalizing not  lie not in plane crashes, or  armed murders, or become
        through lessening current            storms, or even shootings,  captured by the continu-

 2      actions against causes               but rather in the typi-              ous coverage of a terrorist
 0      receiving emphasis, but              cal causes. For the ages             attack, or hear ongoing

 2      through more action on               of 45 through 64, medi-              segments on the investiga-
 0      those causes not receiving  cal conditions -- cancer,                     tion of a mass shooting,
        as much emphasis.                    heart disease, kidney is-            we can balance that per-

                                             sues, diabetes -- lead by            spective with our own per-
        Equalizing the Balance               far the causes of death.             sonal experience of how

                                             Even in the younger ages             those around us passed,
        Almost all of us, at some            of 25 through 44, medical  and how we most likely
        time, have experienced               conditions continue as a             might die, which will,

        a tragic incident, a local,          leading cause of death, but  with high certainty, not be
        individual one, an inci-             joined by auto accidents,            through those causes that

        dent beneath the radar of            suicide and drug over-               draw heavy media cover-
        media reporting. The inci-           doses.                               age.
        dent occurred to a family

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