Page 20 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 20
Changing Facets Of Sexual Offences - An Indian Outlook
always an ultimate justice. sion of will of the other
Man is the first product of by invading the privacy or As human beings co-exist B
evolution who is capable the personal space which in the social system, one R
of controlling his evolu- an individual requires for of the most important as- O
tionary destiny, Human stable progression in life pects of criminal law and W
being is constituted of five and will constitute sexual human contribution is to A
sense organs (eyes, ears, offences. effectively and efficiently R
nose, tongue and flesh deal with this aspect of D
giving him the power of Every act of a human be- social aberration, and see
sight, sound, smell, taste ing whether on the physi- that no only the offender U
and touch) emotions and cal, mental or intellectual is convicted, the victim N
intellect through which plane of consciousness compensated, but this I
he perceives and analyses which leads to inflicting offensive nature is con- V
the other beings and na- pain or suppression of the trolled and the thoughts E
ture around and express will of another being is an and energies of perpetra- R
himself. In inter-personal offence. All acts in the na- tor and victim channelised S
relationships, more par- ture of offence done by a into constructive fields of I
ticularly when it relates male human being against development. The crimi- T
to two different sexes, a female human being nal justice system will Y
these five sense organs can be termed as sexual also have to be vigilant
are used and on some oc- offence. Women are the that in the existing danger- 2
casions, their (mis) use victims of almost all ous state of exploitation 0
results into an offence. sexual offences because of every human being by 2
Use of senses of smell the offenders, and they another, either for political 0
and taste seldom lead to themselves think, they or economic gains, false
committal of any sexual are unable and, therefore, facts are not sought to be
offence but some move- unlikely to retaliate either established or supposed
ment of the eyes, some with physical force or leading to more evil than
words spoken, sounds and with recourse to law. They reform.
noises made can be offen- become victims and sacri-
sive and touch of flesh by ficial lambs on the altar of A significant number of
way of bottom pinching, the fragile male ego. They writers have explored the
brushing past, embracing, are the victims of a cozy psychology behind hu-
indecent assault or rape belief that they go will- man behaviour and while
would amount to suppres- ingly to the slaughter. Sigmund Freud place