Page 22 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 22
Changing Facets Of Sexual Offences - An Indian Outlook
females. Sex and violence about his acts amongst his to coerce the woman into
in movies and media and peer group and thinks that sexual relations or to pun- B
erotic lucid details in best he has achieved some- ish her refusal. In these R
sellers or those which sell thing great and unusual. cases the superior tends O
most is the material avail- Actions like these need to take advantage of his W
able to every citizen from immediate reaction from position and the economic A
rickshaw-pullers students rational people and should pressure leads to silent R
to CEOs. be nipped in the nipped. suffering. D
An act which is demoni-
Eve-teasing, winking, cal can never be appreci- Where in cases of sexual U
staring, bottom pinching, ated and needs emphatic harassment men accused N
improper toching, brush- resistance. These cases and found guilty of sexual I
ing past etc. may not get reported and, harassment are professors V
therefore, it is for the pub- and teachers, it becomes E
These sexual offences lic and the citizens to be a serious issue and they R
are becoming common vigilant about them. should be suspended from S
amongst teenagers with their jobs or demoted from I
urbanization and are mor- Sexual harassment their posts, as students T
ally committed in crowded look up to their teachers as Y
places like college cam- Sexual harassment con- mentors and guides who
pus, public transport, fairs tains elements of coercion, are pillars of inspiration 2
and fetes. These expres- threat, and/or unwanted and place them on a ped- 0
sions are a result of sa- attention in a non-recip- estal and believe that they 2
distic tendencies and sick rocal relationship. In the can do no wrong. 0
mentality of those human University, sexual harass- Sexual harassment at the
beings who cannot control ment of women by male workplace may include:
their urges of indecently faculty members under-
act towards fellow female mines women as students 1. Verbal harassment of
beings in society. The or co-workers. Sexual abuse.
reactions of the female harassment in this case
give them the pleasure may, therefore, take the 2. Subtle pressure for
they had sought by violat- following forms when sexual favors.
ing the privacy of another man in position of control,
individual. The male be- influence or affect a wom- 3. Sexist comments about
ing feels elated about his an’s job; career makes use the student’s clothing,
superiority; he boasts of his authority and power body or sexual activities.