Page 21 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 21

Changing Facets Of Sexual Offences - An Indian Outlook

        emphasis sex-motivated               curity, deprivation and              esty. It tends deflect an
 B      expressions, Karl Marx on  hostility and arising out                      active involvement and
 R      the economic motivation,             of ignorance of his true             participation so that men

 O      Nietszhe on the power                nature of sat, chitta and            cannot be held to be at
 W      motivation, the Bhagwat              ananda.                              fault. Blame, however,

 A      Gita rests on theory of                                                   lies with those who pro-
 R      functional sense, in the             Sexual offences are cov-             duce these obscene rep-
        evolution process, the di-           ered under the following             resentations including the

        vision into two sexes was            Acts of Parliament-                  women who appear in
 U      brought about by nature                                                   it. Intelligent, well built

 N      only for the purpose of              1. Indecent Representation  and groomed, half clad
 I      procreation of reproduc-             of Women (Prohibition)               women on the cover page
 V      tivity of species and must,  Act, 1986                                    of Cosmopolitan or Sports

 E      therefore, should have                                                    Illustrated-swimming suit
 R      limited to monogamous                2. Indian Penal Code,                issue all over the world

 S      relationship behind closed  1860                                          provokes more sexuality
 I      doors. But in the chang-                                                  than bare adivasi rustic
 T      ing social environment it            3. Suppression of Im-

 Y      has come out on the roads  moral Traffic in Women

        and places of work and as  and Girls Act, 1956
 2      a result of constant aware-
 0      ness, easy accessibility             4. Dowry Prohibition
 2      has resulted in increasing           Act, 1961

 0      exhibition of sexuality

        and thereby the commis-              Obscenity and indecent

        sion of sexual offences.             representation of wom-
        Sexual offences are acts             en
        or expressions of violence

        and perversion unleashed             The sexual represen-
        on the weakest available             tation of women in

        female in the safest pos-            cross-culture is an is-
        sible circumstances by the  sue of grave concern.
        stronger male as a result            Obscenity is a threat to

        of feelings of anger, frus-          the purity of women’s
        tration, depression, inse-           sexuality and her mod-
                                                                                                 Photo Courtesy of

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