Page 24 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 24
Changing Facets Of Sexual Offences - An Indian Outlook
of importing poor foreign employment and the lives ficiency in the system
girls into the vice dens of of thousands of women is revealed by the nexus
big cities in India where are thereafter destined to between criminal dons and
brothels are run on a large be circumscribed by the top officials when it is re-
scale. She was kidnapped four wall of sleazy broth- ported that top police and
from Thankot, a nature els. All other deprived sec- judicial officers of
village in Nepal, brought tions of society get at least
to Bombay and sold to the sympathy but for prosti-
brokers operating in the tutes there is only ostra-
red-light area of Bombay. cisation”.
After being brutally used
and abused, and becoming Licentious life is destined
afflicted of many venereal for them. The continuous
diseases, because of the fear of torture by brothel
continuous sexual exploi- operators looms large
tation, when she was seen over them; their rights
to be unfit for the brothel, get rusted by dilution of
she was kicked out and enforcement efficiency
left on the streets. Fortu- and apathy. Members of
nately she was admitted anti-prostitution squads
to a Government Hospital are won over by the flesh
by a philanthropist, who traders and made to share
also informed her family the booty of the flesh
in Nepal about her where- trade. Instead of discharg-
abouts. ing their duty by taking
prompt action even on the
Sheela Barse, noted jour- receipt of a complaint,
nalist and social worker, they deliberately remain Bombay were present at Photo Courtesy of
on the basis of her inten- indifferent and rather a lavish party hosted by
sive study of criminal shield the anti-social ele- the under-world Kind in a
exploitation of women ment and thereby allow posh hotel of Bombay. A
in India rightly remarks- and encourage the crimi- two hour long video film
“Kidnapped children, nal exploitation of the showed about 15 police
abducted as teenagers or unfortunate and helpless officers including the As-
lured to cities in young poor women. sistant Commissioner
adulthood in the hope of The height of the inef- of Police and some high