Page 28 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 28
Changing Facets Of Sexual Offences - An Indian Outlook
tance to her. nymity of the victim
must be maintained, as
3. The police should be far as necessary.
under a duty to inform
the victim of her right 7. It is necessary, hav-
to representation before ing regard to the Di-
any questions are asked rective Principles con-
of her and that the po- tained under Article
lice report should state 38(1) of the Constitu-
that the victim was so tion of India to set up
informed. Criminal Injuries Com-
pensation Board. Rape
4. A list of advocates victims frequently in-
willing to act in these cur substantial finan-
cases should be kept at cial loss and some are
the police station for too traumatized to con-
victims who do not have tinue in employment.
a particular lawyer in
mind or whose own layer 8. Compensation for
is unavailable. victims shall be award-
ed by the court on con-
5. The advocate shall be viction of the offender taken while dealing with Photo Courtesy of
appointed by the court, and by the Criminal such sexual offences and
upon application by the Injuries Compensation some suggestions:
police at the earliest Board. Whether or not
convenient moment, but a conviction has taken 1. The victim of a sexual
in order to ensure that place. The Board will attack should first and
victims are questioned take into account pain, foremost be taken to any
without undue delay, suffering and shock as institute which is in the
advocates should be well as loss of earnings form of women’s and
authorized to act at po- due to pregnancy and children hospital, so that
lice station before leave the expenses of child the health and safety of
of the court is sought or birth if this occurred as the victim which should
obtained. a result of the rape. be the prime concern
can be taken care of.
6. In all rape trials ano- Some steps that should be