Page 31 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 31

Changing Facets Of Sexual Offences - An Indian Outlook

                                             a prison sentence for rape  Of late there has been an
 B      8. Gender education                  is considerably under-               alarming increase in cases
 R      is necessary for it will             mined by its erratic appli-          relating to harassment, tor-

 O      promote understand-                  cation. Only a very small            ture, abetted suicides and
 W      ing between males and                percentage of men who                dowry deaths of young
 A      females, which will en-              commit rape get punished  innocent brides. This

 R      courage men to identify              for it by imprisonment.              growing cult of violence
 D      with women, which will               More than half the cases             and exploration of young

        remove the ease with                 are not reported. Of the             brides, though keeps on
 U      which men can deper-                 reported half the men do             sending shock waves to
 N      sonalize women, which                not eventually go to prison  the civilized society when-

 I      will blur the daunting               for the crime so long as             ever it happens, continues
 V      and destructive edges of  half the men tried, do not                      unabated. There is a con-

 E      masculinity and feminin- deserved prison sentences  stant erosion of the basic
 R      ity.                                 the notion of rape-being             human values of tolerance
 S                                           one of the most serious              and the spirit of “live and

 I      Analysis of the offender             crimes seems farfetched.             let live” lack of education
 T      will provide some clues to                                                and economic dependence

 Y      deal with him. Research-             Dowry deaths, bride burn- of women have encour-
        ers have established that            ing                                  aged the greedy perpetra-
 2      majority of sexual of-                                                    tors of the crime.

 0      fences are committed in              A survey on “Why women
 2      cases where the female               burn? conducted by Sun-              The Dowry Prohibition

 0      is known to the male. In             jay Suri and Sevanti Ni-             Act was enacted in 1961
        these cases girls of tender  ham, brings forth the op-                    and has been amended

        age and development fall             pressive attitude towards            from time to time but his
        easy prey to elder male              women on her giving birth  piece of social legislation
        members. The other cases  to a female child. The                          keeping in view the grow-

        are either by way of retri-          survey published in parts,  ing menace of the social
        bution by a caste against            shows society treats wom- evil, also does not appear

        another or by those who              en as a chattel and no ef-           to have served much pur-
        have developed a sadistic            fort is made to change the  pose as dowry seekers are
        tendency.                            attitude of men towards              hardly brought to book

                                             women.                               and convictions recorded
        The punishment factor of                                                  are rather few.

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