Page 36 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 36
Vigilance for Violence
ogy to preclude misuse of tioned “street crimes”. To exceptionally capable of
information for the sake of fully appreciate the vio- killing in diverse ways, B
political agenda. With the lence potential, a wider physically and psycho- R
word “violence”, for in- view of such acts is con- logically. To say the word O
stance, the Uniform Crime sidered for an all-inclusive “violence”, a conjuration W
Reports system (UCR), nature. Violence world- occurs depending on many A
as published by individual and collec- R
the FBI, refers tive perceptions. The D
to four offences: very mention of such a
murder, forcible thing suggests aggres- U
rape (sexual bat- sion, hostility, brutality, N
tery in some state sadism, carnage and so I
criminal codes), forth. All manner of de- V
robbery and ag- bauchery is possible. E
gravated assault. R
This generally In the U.S. for many S
refers to criminal people, the reach of I
acts that involve external violence, or the T
force or the threat typical street crimes, Y
of force. is limited, except for
the range of depictions 2
But, what about Photo Courtesy of in television and the 0
other acts vio- movies. Most often, that 2
lence, such warfare, ter- wide is an everyday in- is where many get their 0
rorism, and a variety fliction that crosses every perspectives on violent
of actions that result in social group. behaviors. Frequently, the
physical and mental harm vast “infotainment” in-
to another. A broader defi- Additionally, crossing dustry “sells” violence in
nition could include in- the boundaries of nation superficial and simplistic
tentional acts that deprive states, violence for one ways. In consideration of
others of essential necessi- reason or another, repre- where one lives and ex-
ties for personal survival. sents the willful actions of periences life, adds to the
Most often, in the U.S. humans. Intentional, pre- imaginative processes of
when discussing “violent meditated and purposeful, misinterpretation.
crime”, many tend to think the thrill of the kill is very
about the previously men- real. As such, humans are For those of socio-eco-