Page 41 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 41

Vigilance for Violence

        tic and pretentious “evi-            analyze a particular is-             and reflects lucid decision-

 B      dence” allegedly revealed  sue. Public discourse and                      making. Other viewpoints
 R      by the latest study is that          private debate are heavily  will disagree. Regardless,
 O      it results in an opinion,            antagonized by subjective  violence toward other

 W      which is open to rebut-              bias, ideological jargon,            people reflects selfish
 A      tal. Refutation and rebuke  informational ignorance,                      purposes of the perpetra-

 R      counters by similar means  as well as frequent out-                       tor. Whether an assump-
 D      and methodology. Ad-                 cries of oversimplification.  tion is made about “child-
        ditionally, the “expert”             As such, human thinking              hood” precursors, or lack

 U      viewpoints emanating                 is the result of organically  of social opportunities, or
 N      from human behavior                  complex and intricately              a “crime gene”, is mostly

 I      studies purports a “scien-           interwoven via extraor-              irrelevant to never ending
 V      tific” posture of which the  dinary chemical and                          saga of human predatory
 E      underlying foundation is             electrical processes. Ad-            behavior.

 R      built upon research bias.            ditionally, thoughts defy
 S      Such prejudicial conjec-             comprehensive analytic               Violence will happen in

 I      ture is influenced by the            dissection, although some  spite of the best efforts
 T      faulty assumption that               philosophical schools of             of social policy, law en-
 Y      human behavior, as well              thought, or “social stud-            forcement deployment, or

        as human thinking, can               ies”, assert mystic claims           legislative prohibitions.
 2      be reduced to a quantifi-            of “scientific” quantifica-          Even though a major gov-

 0      able equation as though              tion.                                ernment database records
 2      an organically constituted                                                fluctuations over time,
 0      structure. Where a foren-            Vigilance for violence               recent trends show a gen-

        sic chemist would subject  presupposes an aware-                          eral 1% - 4% decline in
        a substance in a crime lab  ness and watchfulness in                      the overall U.S. violence

        to microscopic analysis, a  terms of ensuring coun-                       rate. When guns are in-
        “social scientists” attempt  termeasures that serve to                    volved for example, some
        the same with human                  reduce the opportunities             people and organizations

        emotions.                            for harmful inflictions.             seize the occasions to fur-
                                             Violence toward others is            ther their political agenda,

        Depending on the po-                 a very human form per-               or ideological perspec-
        litical agenda, emotional            petration given the wants,  tive. What the actual data
        reactivity often preempts            desires and inclinations             shows is ignored in favor

        an objective focus on                of the perpetrators. It is           of egregious fallacies of
        the facts in evidence to             intentional, premeditated            inferential reactivity to

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