Page 43 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 43

Vigilance for Violence

        population, one period of            “why” question depends               man violence and preda-

 B      history may appear larger            on the particular school             tory behavior will be a
 R      than other points in time.           of thought, absent to date           never-ending saga. None-
 O      While humans remain                  any hardcore scientific              theless, vigilance, or at-

 W      very adept at harming oth- evidentiary validation, still  tentiveness, watchfulness
 A      ers, statistical measures            results in speculation. Of           or awareness, remains a

 R      fluctuate. Considering a             course there will be some,  wiser anticipation for the
 D      range of murderous be-               enthralled by the field of           investigative intricacy
        havior, from A to Z, or              “neuroscience”, “evo-                of human nature and its

 U      assassination to terrorism,  lutionary biology”, and                      proclivity toward violent
 N      the body may demonstrate  so on, who will differ as                       behavior.

 I      a trend toward a greater             to the solvability factors
 V      propensity for violence              involved in human mo-                Specious notions as to
 E      with an expanded                     tivations. Perhaps a little          causation often stumble

 R      definition.                          too openly and cavalierly,  into the foggy realms of
 S                                           some expound upon so-                oversimplification, hasty

 I      In one study retold in a             called advances in study-            generalization and preju-
 T      national nature publica-             ing the human “mind”. As  dicial thinking. Caution
 Y      tion, a propensity for vio-          the “mind” is a metaphor             is always warranted in

        lence is claimed to be an            for what the brain does,             relation to criminality and
 2      evolutionary product of              such a notion is preten-             the subsequent interpreta-

 0      earlier primate species.             tious at best.                       tion of opinion, statistics,
 2      As such as the story goes,                                                reporting criteria, ideolo-
 0      “human-on-human” kill-               This aspect of philosophi-           gies and various schools

        ing is many times greater            cal conjecture is always             of thought. As such, every
        than that of other species.          intriguing. As though                time a violent incident oc-

        However, regardless of the  some primordial impetus                       curs there is an emotional
        theory, there are no easy            seduces perhaps well-                state of reactivity. Reason
        answers. From the safe               meaning researchers to-              is typically suspended in

        havens of academia, to               ward a “Frankensteinish”             favor of feelings. What-
        the gritty streets of po-            creation, assertions of              ever the rationale for a

        lice work, many a “social            “neuroscience of psychol-            deeper personal meaning,
        philosopher” has tried to            ogy” seem bent of invent-            aside from the tragedy
        explain criminal behavior.           ing a “crime gene”. What- for the victim and family,

                                             ever the                             many willingly default
        To answer the eternal                seduction, excuses for hu-           to an illogical basis for a

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