Page 42 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 42

Vigilance for Violence

        ensure the promotion of a  different worldview. As-

        particular view. Notoriety,  sessed in a more diverse                     Specious of otherwise hal-            B
        celebrity promotion, re-             context, what might be               low, false, baseless, etc.            R
        election, emotional dis-             perceived by emotional               due to the insufficiency of           O

        tress, etc., enter the fray          reactivity of the moment             corroborating evidence.               W
        quickly. Regardless of the  is more than likely less of  Given the mystique, lore                               A

        facts in evidence, many              problem when considered  and legend around killers                         R
        will easily conclude the             in a more rational and               in general, any speculation           D
        most simplistic assertions. broader schematic.                            is possible. Yet, what does

                                                                                  the evidence show? Lack-              U
        As a result, given the hu-           The problem arises in any  ing proof, in all probabil-                     N

        man inclination toward               discussion of a particular           ity, the assertion is without         I
        deception, the contempo-             aspect of violence is that           merit and only services to            V
        rary perception of violent           biased perceptions presup- promote the mythology of                        E

        acts potentially assumes             pose a certain outcome.              the particular case. In ad-           R
        a disproportionate scale             In that, an explanation as           dition, when compared to              S

        with regard to the totality          to the central nature of             data derived from a num-              I
        of human malevolence.                human violence hinges                ber research sources, the             T
        One tragic multi-murder-             precariously on the fragile  proclivity to violence, and                   Y

        ing event can easily be              edge of rational analysis.           particularly murder going
        interpreted as a “virus”             Of particular interest is            back to ancient periods, is           2

        spreading through the                embellishment and enrich- very much a human incli-                         0
        country like some kind of  ment of the issue in ques-                     nation.                               2
        human contagion. In actu- tion. All manner of infer-                                                            0

        ality, the scope of physi-           ence becomes notoriously  Nonetheless, a case for
        cal harm could likely be             distorted at any juncture            homicidal rate decreases

        an overestimation of the             outside the absolute cer-            can be made for certain
        reality. The challenge of            tainty of proof by authen-           periods of time. By con-
        assessing the degree of              tication of the evidence.            trast, that depends on the

        violent behaviors among              For example, especially              definition applied to the
        humans is analyzing the              true in the study of “serial  term “homicide”. Relevant

        data within a larger con-            killers”, is the specious            to that point, the issue of
        text. Historical references  claim by a killer that one                   proportionality comes into
        and modern proclivities              thing or another happened  question relative to a glob-

        toward mental and physi-             during his or her child-             al analysis. By calculat-
        cal harm might offer a               hood development.                    ing a ratio of incidents to

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