Page 38 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 38

Vigilance for Violence

        nomic means above the                the previous year. From              tions are raised whenever
        median income range,                 that data, an estimated              statistical data comes into           B
        personal exposure to crim- 17,250 murders were                            play. A healthy sense of              R

        inality may be non-exis-             reported. During 2016,               skepticism must be ap-                O
        tent. In an annual crime             census information re-               plied. Overall, compar-               W

        poll by a major survey               ports about 322,762,018              ing the average murder                A
        group, in 2007, about 3                                     Photo Courtesy of  rate to the total     R
        out of 10 people                                                                     population, both           D

        indicated some                                                                       legal and illegal
        level of victim-                                                                     residents, and not         U

        ization, or knew                                                                     counting yearly            N
        someone victim-                                                                      international tour-        I
        ized by a criminal                                                                   ism, suggests the          V

        event. Accord-                                                                       murder rate is less        E
        ingly, roughly 5%                                                                    than 1% of the             R

        indicated involve-                                                                   total number of            S
        ment in a violent                                                                    people. In a simi-         I
        crime within the                                                                     lar way, the num-          T

        previous year. Of these              persons legally residing in  ber of murders in a par-                      Y
        incidents, the most fre-             the U.S. Added to that, an  ticular year are less than

        quently reported crimes              additional approximation             1% of the total number of             2
        included those involving             of 11,000,000 illegal per-           violent crimes. Compar-               0
        property, as in thefts, van-         sons were residing in the            ing violent crime to non-             2

        dalism, burglary and so              U.S. in 2016. That brings            violent crime, many more              0
        forth. At a national cen-            the numbers of persons               property crimes occur than

        ter that collects data on            guessed to have been                 violent crimes.
        crime trends, studying a             living in the U.S. dur-
        20-year period, from 1993  ing that time to be about                      If one factors also the

        to 2012, the violent crime  333,762,018. Using the                        scope of so-called white-
        rate decreased.                      standard government sta-             collar crime, then the

                                             tistical reference point of          exponential nature ex-
        In contrast, a brief look            ratio to 100,000 persons,            pands. Considering the
        at murder data for 2016              which indicates 5.1 mur-             range of cybercrime, or-

        available from the FBI’s             ders per 100,000.                    ganized crime, terrorism
        Uniform Crime Reports,                                                    and corporate criminality,

        show an 8% increase over  Naturally, cautionary nota- street crimes pale in com-

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