Page 39 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 39

Vigilance for Violence

        parison. Of conspiracies             vicarious, is readily avail-
 B      and related transactional            able. From fact to fiction,          According to one inter-
 R      criminalities on the dark            24/7 infotainment deliv-             national organization,
 O      web, the complex nature              ers gruesome and horrific            viciousness that injuries

 W      of criminal behavior be-             forms of violence, as well  others is expanded to in-
 A      comes quite extensive.               as psycho-expressions of             clude the malevolent gain-

 R      With every aspect of hu-             terror. News, movies, tele- ful aims of the misuse of
 D      man inclination to illicit           vision, reading and writ-            power. As such, the specu-

        activities, the potential            ing, violent things happen  lative realm of psycho-
 U      and actual infliction of             regularly.                           logical harms comes into
 N      violence remains present.                                                 further consideration. By

 I      At one end of the discus-            To apply the word vio-               speculative, this is meant
 V      sion, it could mean a very  lence to the human race, it  to suggest that there are
 E      basic sense of physical              is suggested that a number  no absolutes in an effort

 R      force intended to damage             of aspects are implicated            to fully define or delineate
 S      inanimate materiality, or            in various social interac-           the total ramifications of

 I      injure or kill another per-          tions. As a means of harm,  human motivation, as to
 T      son. Such expression may  damage, and abuse, inflict- ultimate causes and sub-
 Y      also refer to those actions          ing injury to another is             sequent effects. Within

        designed to cause depra-             willful, premeditated and            the scheme of the nature
 2      vation to another, a group  intentional. Its purposeful  of causal factors, there is

 0      or a community.                      attack upon others is from  a diverse range of philo-
 2                                           a selfish perspective de-            sophical assessment. Most
 0      Other people in various              signed to give the perpe-            likely, any discussion

        ways can harm people.                trator something in return.  of human violence will
        Again, by way of persis-             From the classical school            invite the many specula-

        tent redundancy, whether             of criminology, violent              tions from the fields of
        by physical or psychic               behavior is the result of a          criminology, sociology
        trauma, malevolence                  rational process of think-           and psychology. As all

        can terrorize by differ-             ing. There are no excuses,  perspectives are debatable,
        ent means, directly or               no matter what theoretical  some schools of thought

        indirectly, as victims re-           construct someone tries              deem theirs less arguable
        act individually. Plenty             to invent to mitigate the            than others. However, the
        of violence is seen every            aftermath. This of course            assertion made here is that

        day. By expression in one  relates to illicit and unlaw- these are the spheres of
        form or another, actual or           ful injurious behaviors.             pseudoscience and not real

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