Page 35 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 35
Elite Investigative Journal
Vigilance for Violence, pg 35-45
©2014-2020 SYT Global, Inc.
Vigilance for
By Randy Gonzalez
Photo Courtesy of
As regards the vigilance a conclusion. Past refer- vast majority of communi-
for violence throughout ences from antiquity to the ties murder is either non-
the world, as observed in present, demonstrates ac- extent or extremely low.
social media, 24/7 news cording to some research- Each year, the FBI via the
cycles, movies, televi- ers, a downward trend in Uniform Crime Reports
sion, the whole realm of human violence, particu- (UCR), as reported by po-
infotainment, and so forth, larly where murder is con- lice agencies throughout
many get the impression cerned. No doubt, there the U.S. Crime categories
the world is a dangerous are enclaves throughout show increases or decreas-
place. Yes, it is and that the planet where violence es reports national crime
depends on a number of is very real. information. Initially, a
factor. For population discussion of violence
groups around the planet, In the U.S., for example, a ought to define what the
violence is a daily occur- major study from a crime meaning of the term.
rence. While the potential research center concluded
for danger exists, with that nearly 70% of the In addition, given a nar-
frequent reminders of hor- murders occurred in 5% of row or broad definition, a
rific incidents, the general the counties. Within those determination of data to be
emotional reactivity to the counties, the violence used considers that which
actual level of incidents took place in concentrated ensures valid evidentiary
is likely an exaggera- areas. While some areas criteria. Regardless, in-
tion. This depends on the may show an increase in vestigative inquiry should
criteria used to develop homicidal behavior, in the safeguard the methodol-