Page 32 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 32
Changing Facets Of Sexual Offences - An Indian Outlook
cases in a more realistic emotional, intellectual B
Awakening of the collec- manner and not allow the and spiritual plane. On the R
tive consciousness is the criminals to escape on ac- intellectual and spiritual
need of the day. Change of count of procedural errors planes of consciousness O
heart and attitude is what or technicalities as then there is no question of sex A
is needed. If man were to the criminal would receive discrimination. Sexual R
regain his harmony with encouragement and the offences are also com- D
others and replace hatred, victims of crime would be mitted on an emotional
greed, selfishness and totally discouraged if the plane, which will need U
anger by mutual love, trust crime goes unpunished. a deeper look and seri- N
and understanding and if ous efforts if we have to I
the woman were to receive The courts are expected co-exist and undertake V
education and become to be sensitive in cases positive development. It is
economically independent, involving crime against this lower nature with its E
the possibility of this per- women. The verdict of animal qualities that must S
nicious social evil dying a acquittal made by the trial be conquered by the spirit I
natural death will not re- court in this case is an apt within man in order that T
main a distant dream only. illustration of the lack of he may become truly a hu-
The legislature, realizing sensitivity on the part of man being. The control of Y
the gravity of the situa- the trial court. It recorded lower instinct is necessary 2
tion has amended the laws the verdict of acquittal on in order that human being 0
and provided for stringent mere surmises and conjec- rises higher. 2
punishment in such cases tures and disregarded the
and even permitted the evidence of the witnesses As long as the satisfaction 0
raising of presumptions for wholly insufficient and of the appetite and lust
against an accused in cas- insignificant reasons. It of the flesh is included in
es of unnatural deaths of ignored the vital factors man’s ideals and aims, he
the brides within the first of the case without even can never rise above the
seven years of their mar- properly discussing the plane of animalism. Flesh
riage. same. here refers to man’s mate-
rial nature which violates
The role of courts, under An important aspect of the spirit. Is opposed to an
the circumstances assumes human development or exclusive of it. Mere ani-
greater importance and it progress is to rise from its malistic sexual expression
is expected that the courts mere animalistic physical has no more places in our
would deal with such existence to reach a higher civilization than would-